Nothing scares the shit out of me like needles.
If you ever read my wattpad introduction, you will have read that I am a student Medical Technologist. Since we have phlebotomy in our curriculum, I do the sticking of needles into people.
Trust me, it's more fun if you're sticking people. *insert sadistic laugh*
But when the needles go near me, I turn into an absolute pussy. These things are fucking scary. I swear. They're more real than ghosts and scarier than Freddy Kruger himself. Plus when the guy pulls the needle plunger back it feels like he's taking a fucking gallon of your blood.
Oh wait, don't get me started on novice phlebotomists (Even if I am one xD). The feeling when the guy pricking you did not hit the vein (or artery) and has to resort to fishing IS THE STRANGEST FEELING EVER.
Fishing is when the phlebotomist has to adjust the needle around because his aim was not true. In other words, he will have to frigging move the needle that is already inside your arm to hit that blood vessel. Frankly, the feeling is like there's this weird parasite in your arm that wiggles and shit. It gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I especially love scaring the hell out of the people I know who think they're macho, superior and believe they'e fucking entitled to the world, in simpler terms, bitchy. I love basking in their fear. (PAYBACK BITCHES) I explain to them that the procedure will really sting and I will purposefully use a needle with a large bore (hole) size and draw double the routine amount. I also admit that I'm not very good at extracting blood. The faces that they make before the procedure is just priceless. It's something around the "holy shit man. I'm gonna die."
Come on, I'm not the only one who does this shit. I'll let you into a little secret about dentists. They do a similar, more hilarious thing. There are some dentists that, after injecting anesthetic into your gums, will ask you questions that can't be answered by yes or no. Most likely, it's not because they forgot to ask it in the first place.
Now you know why.
Woops. I went off tangent with the topic. That's what reviewing all day does to you. T_T
Vote if you want to scare the shit out of the people you hate with needles.
Really, Really Random Stuff.
Non-FictionWhatever pops into my mind, I think I'll just write here.