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Have you ever had a signature type of thing. Well I have one, and it's ~SIS~
I have always been the more suffer in silence type. I never really had anyone to talk to. So I just kept to my self. Most of the time I just put a smile on my face, and everyone thinks I am fine. I am mainly glad that my I am able to do that, cause I don't like lots of attention. Unlike someone I know. But we won't name any names. All these emotions just get bottled up inside me. Everyone says that it's not good to do that. But I have done it for years, and I guess it's okay. I am thankful for their support, it sometimes helps. I get most of my emotions out by drawing and listening to music. When I am listening to my music it's like I'm free from everything. Away from everything pretty much. Sounds like something out of a fairytale right? That's the best way I can explain it. It makes me feel almost complete.

Have you ever wondered what your friends really thing about you? Maybe they are saying things behind your back? Judging you or the things that you do? Well I have those worries sometimes. Especially with my drawings. I feel like they might think less of me, or look at me in a different way.

When you are sitting with your best friends and feel like you don't belong.
What do you do?
Like I said before I am a suffer in silence type, so of course I usually keep to my self. And no harm is done.

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