To my dear loved one

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I can speak to her, when ever I want
It's just whether she is listening or not
I may not be able to see her
But she is looking down upon me
She is in a better place
While I'm in this hell hole we call earth
She is with great grandpa
While I wait to see them both once again
I never got to say the words I wanted to most
While you were taking your last breath
I wanted to say
I'm sorry
I could say it million times more
But what good would that do?
Your already gone
I will see you again
It may be soon
Or much later in my life
But I will see you again
This still haunts me
At night
The morning you past
Me and my uncle
We're the only people by your side, at the time
And we new
That this was it
There was so many things
I wanted to say
But such little
Time. . .

I know people always say
Don't dwell in the past
But I can't help it

My point of this whole thing
Was to tell you
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry

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