Today Is The Day!

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One, two, you're the girl that I want

Three, four, five, six, seven, shit

Eight is the bullets

if you say no after all this

Jacob POV

I woke up this morning with a smile on my face . Today was the day I would enroll into Imani's school and set my plan into action!

I did my whole hygiene routine , happy as fuck and rapping the lyrics to "She" by Tyler the Creator .

"You'll be down in Earth quicker if you diss me tonight ", I recited with a small smirk and an evil glint in my brown eyes.

I scrubbed up, hopped out the shower and dried off before wrapping a towel around my waist . I looked at myself in the mirror and grinned. My body was flawless for the most part . I had an eight pack I'd been working on and my arms were pretty well toned. The only imperfections I had we're the cuts littered up and down almost my whole arm.

But I liked them . They were all for Imani. I couldn't wait to show them to her ! I let out a giddy laugh. She'd love them ..and realize the type of dedicating I had to her. You might think I'm crazy ..especially after having only one encounter with her but I's her fault . She made me this way . Her enchanting laugh and the smooth way she moves her body . She's just one of a kind and I couldn't help myself . But what if she doesn't want me..

I pulled at a strand of my damp hair in a sudden frustration . And dismissed the thought before I became too angry. If I cut now the blood would show through my sleeves .

I walked into my closet , shuffling through it for something to wear. I wanted to be simple but still make a statement . I finally pulled out some green harem pants , a long sleeve loose fitting Nirvana shirt paired with my timberland boots . Lastly, I put a few yellow peace sign earrings in my ear and fluffed my dry hair up in the mirror. I put a little mousse in it so it would stay soft .

Damn I look good!

And the last thing ..I put on my "innocent Jacob face" No one would suspect I've been somewhat stalking a girl now for months.

I walked downstairs to be greeted with an empty house . My mom was always going out of town on business and she was rarely home. But I'm 17, I can handle myself . And my dad? Well.. I'd rather not talk about it .

I grabbed a muffin and a Starbucks coffee, walked out the door and starting driving towards my new school. I had to be there early to get my schedule .

I walked through the double doors with confidence written on my forehead and approached the secretary.

I cleared my throat. "Um, Hi I'm Jacob Perez. I'm new here ."

The lady gave me a flirtatious smile and said "Mr. Perez .." Her eyes trailed down my body . EW. "We've been expecting you. Here." She handed me my schedule , her fingers lingering on mine a little too long .

"Uh yea..Thanks?" I shivered a little.

"Anytime sweetheart. You can join Mr. Lopez to you're right. He'll show you to your classes before the 1st period bell rings . " Her eyes lingered on body as I walked away.

That was nasty .

I walked in the direction the lady told me too and saw a guy about my height with two long black braids hanging over his shoulders. He had the same complexion as Imani...

"Hey wassup. I'm Ray Ray , or you can just call me Ray. Imma be showing you around ." He gave me a small dap.

"Thanks man"

We made small talk as he showed me around the school. It wasn't really nothing special.

"So how long you been in ATL?" Questioned Ray.

" About 10 years . I moved from LA when I was little . "

"Aye that's wassup I'm from LA too!" He smiled. "Why you just getting to this school tho?"

"Uhh well I transferred."


"Uhhhm well-" Just then the bell rang.

" Oops well your lockers right here & you know where to go. Catch you later" Ray patted my back and walked off.

I placed my things in my locker and headed towards my first class, Human Communications. I got a few stares & whispers as I walked down the hallway. Girls seemed to like me already. Too bad I had my eyes on one only. I must have been wandering for a while because before I knew it the late bell had rung.

"Shit" I mumbled to myself. I finally found my class . Mr. White.

The teacher stopped talking and all eyes were on me. Some random girl said "Dammmn" . I stopped at the teacher's desk and gave him a small wave.

"Jacob Perez ..I'm new"

"Of course , glad you're here. You can sit next to Mrs. Lopez in the back corner . He pointed to a girl in the back. As I walked over there a small smirk grew on my face and I mentally thanked God.


Yep. There she was looking sexy as ever . She wore simple black maxi dress with a chunky gold chain and small golden studs. Her hair was worn long and straight and she wore only a little makeup . She looked stunning . She looked at me and it seemed like she might have remembered me , but she wasn't sure.


This class too boring !! Ugh . My friend Bahja and I were just passing notes back and forth when some dude walked in . My pink haired friend tapped my shoulder quickly and I looked him up and down .

"DAMMMNN!!" Said Bahja, biting her lip.

"Bitch you loud as hell" I giggled

I looked at the guy as he walked toward me . I had to admit , he was cute as hell. And he looked a little familiar . Too bad I have a boyfriend.

He sat next to me and turned my way, smiling . "Hey ..I'm Jacob" He held his hand out and I just looked at it .

The movie theatre !! Holy shit!
His smile dropped slowly and an almost angry look flashed in his eyes. But it was soon replaced with happiness when I said

"Jacob!!! I remember you !! Ayee my nigga! " I laughed and leaned over my seat to give him a small hug .

Jacobs POV

Thank God she remembered me . I almost had a heart attack. Oh shit she's about to hug me .

I sighed in relief as she pressed her soft upper body against mine and wrapped her arms around me. I placed my hands on her lower back and whispered in her ear .

"Hey Imani.." I slowly let go and looked at her . She was still cheesin.

" You remembered ? Wow" she smiled. " it's a small world!"

" You could say that" I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck . I can't believe I'm actually talking to her.

"Am I missing something ?" Said a pink haired girl sitting next to Imani.

" Alright class today is a chill day so do whatever . Just don't break anything" scolded Mr.White. He was looking right at a black kid with a low cut and a blonde patch in his hair.

"Mann whatever" said the guy.

Imani POV

I caught Jacob checking me out for about the 4th time in the last 5 minutes.

"You looking for something Mr. Perez?" I smirked

He blushed and looked at me. " My bad, mami. But you look gorgeous today" his eyes trailed my body once again as he slowly licked his upper lip. He winked at me and bit his bottom one.

Shit that was sexy . Ugh boyfriend Imani! Remember him?

"Uh Thanks.." To kill the awkward silence I scooted closer to him and ran my fingers through his hair . " You still got the same crazy hair from last time ! Haha . I love it though." I continued to play with it .

Jacob POV

Shit here we go again . I closed my eyes and bit my lip in an attempt to hold back my moans. The shit she does to me.

"Mmmmm" I unintentionally let out. I cursed under my breath and her hand froze.

I slowly open my eyes and saw Imani looking at the ground , her body tensed up.

"Sorry about that...I forgot" she gave me a sheepish smile .

I laughed and said "It's ok, mami"

I saw her tense up and bite her lip and my new nickname for her. I smiled to myself .


I got myself together for next period and looked at Imani, who was getting ready to leave. I jogged up to her and asked her to wait.

Imani POV

"Aye Imani wait up."

"Aye Bahja ill catch you at lunch k?" She winked at me and nodded.

"Ok girl I see you ! I see you "

I laughed her off and turned to Jacob .

" So um Imani...."


"I was wondering..could I ...get your number?"

I smiled at him and for the third time thought back to my boyfriend. Well why not? It was innocent. Right?

"Sure Jacob" I grabbed a pen out of my pocket and grabbed his hand , writing my number on it. I felt his breath quicken and he bit down nervously on his lip. When I was done he gave me a warm smile and bent down to hug me . His curly hair tickled my face and I laughed .

"Thanks mami. I'll call you tonight ok?" Jacobs hands lingered on my lower back and his breath tickled my neck , sending shivers through my body.

"Oh...Kay.." Fuck he needs to stop calling me that.

"See you around" Jacob winked , looking back at me & walked off.

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