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Imani POV

I woke up around 1:00 in the morning. It was still dark outside, but the milky light of the moon shine softly through the windows. I couldn't see very well so I just admired Jacob's faint features as he slept on me. His head rested on my lower stomach and his strong arms were wrapped around my waist. The rest of his body layed in between my legs that were softly wrapped around his.

I sat up slowly , careful not to wake Jacob up. He squirmed a little and held me tighter .

",no , please't leave me" Jacob mumbled in his sleep. Was he dreaming or..? I wasn't sure but, I replied anyway .

"Shh papi, calm down" I played with the small baby hairs by his neck and ran my fingers through his thick hair.

He moaned a little. I smiled to myself and got up, a little more carefully this time. I went to the bathroom and turned on the light, closing the door just a crack so the light wouldn't bother Jacob.

I'm not even sure why I'm up this early..or late. In case you're wondering, no, Jacob and I didn't go all the way. But he kept dropping subtle hints that he wanted to. I don't know I guess whenever it got to that point I couldn't bring myself to do it. A certain uneasiness was settled inside of me the whole time we were messing around. I tried my hardest to ignore it, but it never went away. That's probably part of the reason I had trouble sleeping.

I looked in the mirror grimaced at my appearance. My hair was all over the place and all I had on was underwear and a t shirt. I slipped on some shorts and put my black hair in a neat bun. I stared into the mirror, my mouth formed into a small frown and my eyebrows scrunched together.

Jacob still never told me what went down yesterday. He really was fucked up, bruises and cuts everywhere. He just moved to our school! Who the hell would have problems with him already? As I thought more about Jacob my eyes darted nervously to my bed. Don't ask me why, but sometimes I think Jacob isn't all there. Like in the head, ya know? He just gets really emotional easily and always scared that I'm ignoring him or something if I'm not by his side 24/7.


Jacob POV

I woke up suddenly , moving my hands around the bed and realizing that Imani wasn't there.

"She left you. Told you she didn't like you." A voice mocked me in my head.

"Shut up" I mumbled. I shook my head and got up quickly. I sighed in relief once I found her in the bathroom . What's she doing up at 1:00 am?


She jumped up and grabbed her chest.

"Jacob! scared me" she breathed heavily

"Oh s-sorry. I just woke up and I didn't see you .. I thought you left .." Anger flashed in my eyes but I quickly suppressed it . Imani chuckled nervously .

"Leave? Why would I do that?" She smiled a little.

"I don't know..why you up so early?"

"Couldn't sleep..." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked down.


"Yea um..I'm gonna go downstairs for some water." She swiftly walked past me and went downstairs.

While she was gone I grabbed a towel and one of ray's basketball shorts and took a shower. I stripped, walking into the steam and scrubbed my hair and body. I winced, still sore from Chresanto's guys beating my ass.

"We killing him today , right ?" I murmured to myself.

"Not yet. Soon though. He's ruining everything & I need him out the picture " I answered myself .

I dried off and put on the shorts , not even bothering with a shirt. I walked out of the bathroom to find Imani sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands . I sat next to her wrapping my arm around her waist. Her eyes darted between my damp hair and bare chest as she bit her bottom lip. I smirked a little .

"Like what you see?" I scooted a little closer to he and rested my hand on her bare thigh . I made small circles on her smooth skin and watched her breath quicken. All of a sudden her smiled dropped and she groaned in frustration. She moved my hand off of her and stood in front of me .

"DON'T do that! Jacob!!" She put her hands in her hair. I looked at her in genuine confusion. What the hell is her problem? She was fine just last night .


"I just cheated on my boyfriend that's what! Oh my god..what the fuck am I doing ?" She shook her head in disbelief .

I scoffed.

"You mean Chresanto? Because if I remember correctly, you didn't even remember his name last night." I looked up at her and licked my lips. She was standing in front of me and I was sitting down, so I moved her shirt up a little and pulled her waist in closer to me. I planted small kisses on her lower stomach. I watched her knees tremble.

"You were distracting me Jacob, you know I couldn't help it! You did me like that on purpose !" She pushed me away .

"Who's Jacob? I thought my name was Papi" I bit my lip teasingly and leaned back resting my hands behind my head. I mocked her facial expressions last night, closing my eyes and parting my lips. I wrapped my hands around myself and kissed the air.

"Ooh Papi, faaaasterr " I kneeled over laughing while she blushed . She sucked her teeth.
"Nigga I know I ain't sound like that" she tried to hide her smile.

"Nah you right. You sound waaay sexier. " I winked. She rolled her eyes and got serious again.

"Drop it Jacob . Real talk. You seem to be forgetting the fact that I'm TAKEN! Does that mean shit to you?!"

"Shit, mami you seem to be forgetting it too. I ain't force you to do anything you didn't want."

Imani opened her mouth in protest but closed it once she realized I was right. She smacked her lips.

"Jacob look. I know I've been leading you on lately but this has to stop."

It was silent for a minute before I pulled her into a kiss. She resisted at first , but slowly started kissing back with more force. She pulled at my hair and added tongue. I smiled against her lips.

"I thought you said we had to stop?" I mumbled . I licked her bottom lip and tug on it a little before letting it go with a 'pop' sound. She sighed in pleasure. I pulled her on top of me and kissed her neck. I swirled my tongue around her sensitive skin and bit it lightly .

"Leave him"


"Leave him.."

"What?" I half moaned .

Jacob moved his kisses to my ear. He took my earlobe into his mouth and sucked it lightly .

"Leave Chresanto" he growled in my ear and kissed it sweetly. His hands moved to my inner thighs.

"Jacob I c-caaan't..ahh fuck" He grabbed my hips roughly and made me grind against him. My breath hitched .

"Leave him, mami" he growled in my ear again, more angry than turned on at this point. His eyes were dark and clouded over. His once innocent face was now sinister. He was starting to scare the shit out of me. His nails dug into my thighs.

"Ow ow okay I will ! I will.." I agreed quickly so he would stop hurting me.

His face brightened instantly . He giggled almost childishly.

"You really mean that!?" He smiled big.

I brushed my hair behind my ears and said "Uh yea? I mean I guess?" What the fuck am I doing?

"Break up with him tomorrow, okay?" He sounded like a child asking his mom for candy. He seemed completely oblivious to my hesitance. Ugh my feelings right now.

"Okay.." There was an awkward silence where Jacob was just staring into my eyes. He had the most fragile expression. At that moment I felt like if I hurt him or pushed him over the edge..he'd just lose it.

I fake yawned . "Hey , I'm tired..lets to back to bed." I crawled back into bed, my back facing him. He crawled in next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek and nuzzled his head on my shoulder.

"Goodnight, mami."
What did I get myself into?

*Next Morning..well like 7 hours later*

I woke up Saturday morning in my bed alone. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion and got up to do my morning routine . I threw on some grey sweat pants with a blue cropped t-shirt that read 'ATL'. I put on my silver chain and studs & threw my curly hair up in a messy bun. Out of curiosity I checked my brother's room just to find he wasn't there. Must have been at a party or something.

I hopped downstairs to find a shirtless Jacob cooking breakfast . I smiled a little and walked behind him, just watching. He sung quietly to himself.

"The blinds wide open so he can
See you in the dark while you sleepin'
Naked body fresh out the shower,
You touch yourself after hours
Ain't no man allowed
In your bedroom
You're sleeping alone in your bed
But check your window ...
He's at your window"

I watched him smirk a little at the last line ..weird.

"Good morning Jacob"

He turned around startled then gave me a genuine smile.

"Good morning, gorgeous . I didn't hear you come downstairs."

"Yea..whatchu makin?" I walked closer to him and looked over his bare shoulder.

"Waffles, eggs, toast, and I found some strawberries."

"Damn you can cook!" I laughed.

"Hell yea. Here, try a strawberry" he picked one up and held it to my face. I tried to take it from him but he snatched it back .

"Noo I wanna feed you" he whined with a puppy face. I rolled my eyes playfully and opened my mouth. Jacob watched me intensely as he put the strawberry in my mouth and I slowly bit it. I chewed it and licked my lips afterwards .

"Mmm. They're really sweet." I was already reaching for another.

"My turn!" Jacob opened his mouth.

"You big baby" I put the strawberry to his lips and he slowly bit into it, never taking his eyes off of mine. He gave me a lustful look as he chewed slowly and seductively licked the juice from the corner of his mouth.

"You doing the most" I laughed. Jacob smacked his lips.

"Listen Jacob, can we talk about last night?" His face lit up.

"About how you're breaking up with that half nigga?"

"A-about that .."

I heard the front door close .

"Imani! I'm ho- ...." Ray looked between me and Jacob shirtless in his basketball shorts . He looked shocked as his eyes darted between us .

"The fuck?"

Blah bad ending next chapter will be way more exciting I promise ;) Jacob's about to show his true colors.

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