Chapter 14 - Slam Dunk

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As my luck would have it, my mother had turned dinner into a family affair. Lara's van was in the driveway, and my brother Chuck's truck was parked near the barn. Chuck lived ten hours away. I prayed that his presence was a coincidence.

I saw the curtains in the formal living room flutter as we walked up the steps. There was no doubt in my mind that my mother had been perched at that window like a kid waiting on Santa. The front door flew open and she sailed out onto the porch with her arms stretched wide.

"You made it!" she cheered.

My father was standing behind Mom with his hands stuffed into his pockets and a look in his eyes that said he had nothing to do with it. I kissed Mom's cheek. "Hello, Mother." I stepped to her side. "Mom, this is Shannon."

"Oh!" Mom stepped forward to greet her with a hug. "It's so nice to finally meet you, dear!"

Finally? It's been like three weeks!

I leaned toward my dad. "She's killing me," I whispered.

He winked. "Which one?"

We both laughed.

"I brought pie," Shannon said, holding out the dish we'd picked up at the supermarket on the way. "I would have baked something myself, but Nathan's kitchen isn't exactly equipped."

Rolling my eyes, I looked at Dad. "I have a can opener and a frying pan. What more do I need?"

Shannon giggled and looped her arm through mine.

"I'm sure this will be wonderful," Mom said, taking it from her. "Come on in out of the cold, you two."

Once we were inside, loud squeals erupted down the hallway. The family door nearly flew off its hinges and smacked back against the wall as Carter tore down the hallway wearing Spiderman pajamas, a Batman mask, and ginormous green Hulk fists on his hands.

"Unca Nate!"

I laughed and caught him around the middle as he charged me. As I draped him over my shoulder, I looked at Shannon. "Shannon, this is my nephew, Iron Man."

He kicked his legs. "I not I-won Man!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I smacked myself in the forehead. "I mean Superman."

"I Spida-man, Unca Nate!"

"I think you're confused," I said, carrying him down the hallway.

He was still flailing over my shoulder. "No, I not!"

Shannon practically had cartoon hearts bulging from her eyeballs. I put Carter down and he took off running again. She slipped her fingers between mine.

"Go on into the living room," Mom said behind us. "Your brother's here."

I pushed the swinging door to the family room open and let Shannon go in first. My brother, Chuck, stood when we entered. Lara was beside him. Chuck looked like a lumberjack compared to the rest of us. He had a thick brown beard and was, like usual, wearing camo. By comparison, I was short, scrawny, and blond but so was everyone else in the McNamara clan. So if anyone was adopted, we all knew who it was.

"Hey, little brother," Chuck said, closing his arms around me. "How the hell are ya?" He thumped me so hard on the back, it triggered a cough.

"I'm good, old man. What are you doing here?" I stepped back and looked up at him.

He nodded toward Dad. "We're going to the game this weekend."

Tossing my hands up, I looked at our father. "Seriously, I'm never invited!"

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