Run away bride

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In the restaurant, bomi was hitting her head on the table while eunji was looking at her giggling. "Will you stop giggling now?" she said sounding mad at her friend. Eunji stuck her tongue out "Why are you hitting your head? It doesn't help, you know". Bomi whined "I don't want to get married to him but my parents....i can't believe my engagement is tomorrow". Eunji patted her head "You can't do anything now". Bomi sighed "I want to do something". Eunji shook her head "What will you do? Run away?" she asked. Bomi's eyes sparkled. She caught her friend's hands, her eyes shining brightly and an evil grin on her face "Eunji, you are a genius. What an awesome idea. I will run away". Eunji was taken aback "Are you nuts? You are not going anywhere" she said implying it's a wrong idea.

Bomi grinned "If i run away, they will cancel the engagement and marriage" she said smirking. Eunji hit her "Do you even know what will happen if you do that. Think about uncle and aunty atleast" she explained. Bomi caught her head troubled "What should i do then? I know mom and dad will be really worried but what about me? What about my dreams?" she said. She wriggled her eyebrows saying "I am definitely going to run away.hehe. That's the only solution now". Eunji voiced out her opinion "I think it is a bad idea and where will you go?".

Bomi thought deeply and said "Hmm...abroad....may be Europe. I always wanted to go". Eunji mocked "Yeah abroad and you think you will find your love there? What are you planning, to marry a foreigner?". Bomi said pouting "If I don't find him it's fine. I will take this as a healing trip and then come back. Until then everything will calm down". Eunji cursed internally thinking it's all her fault, unintentionally she gave her the idea of running away "Bomi, I don't think it is a good idea. Please drop the thought and listen to your parents. You will be alone if you go on vacation" she tried to convince her but bomi was stubborn "No problem, there are many people going on trips. I will be with group on a tour. There will be tour manager who will take care too. So chill, I have decided to implement my plan. I gotta go and do preparations, bye" she said and dashed out of the restaurant. Eunji pulled her hair in frustration "Now, what should i do?" she said to herself.


It was the same night, all the engagement preparations were made but bomi had something else in mind. She made all the preparations and decided to run away today at night. The groom and his parents visited bomi's house to meet her. Bomi's parents invited them inside. He said "I want to meet her before the engagement". Bomi's parents glanced at each other and nodded. He went to her room and knocked the door. He was so excited to meet her "Now, I am going to meet you yoon bomi" he said to himself smiling widely.


Bomi tied all the blankets and threw down the window. She sighed looking down "If i fall i will die. Well, it is better than marrying a stranger" she said. She sat on the window, ready to jump out of it but was disturbed with a knock on the door. She quickly got down and opened the door. She was shocked to see a tall guy with handsome features standing at the door. He smiled shyly "Hi..." he said looking at her. She faked a smile "Hiii". He was smitten by her beauty "My name is Park Chanyeol. I know this is all so sudden but i hope we can get to know each other better" he said shyly. She thought "So he is the guy. Eunji was right he is handsome but I don't love him. I feel bad for him now. Sorry man, i have made up my mind i need to run away today" she thought to herself.

He asked "Miss bomi, are you okay with this marriage? Do you like..." .They were disturbed when bomi's mother came to call them "I am sorry to disturb you guys but it is time for dinner. Let's go Chanyeol, bomi". Bomi gulped thinking she has to make an excuse now or else she will be trapped. She said to her mother "Mom, I will be back in 5 minutes". Her mother saw chanyeol was beside her so she nodded. She did not want make any scene in front of him "Make it fast" she said. She nodded and shut the door when they left.

Bomi felt sad "I am sorry mom and dad but i can't think of any other plan. I will miss you both and please don't be troubled when i am gone okay? I promise i will be safe" she said tearing up. She wrote a quick letter to her parents. She sat on the window and got down taking the support of the blankets. She dusted her hands when she got down and started running before anyone can spot her. She turned her head to take one last look at her house. She said sadly "I am sorry mom, dad. Please forgive me". She ran on the road and hired a taxi.


It was chaotic in bomi's house. Her parents found out and they were worried. Her father placed his hand on his chest and fell on the couch "My daughter". Bomi's mother cried "We should search for her". Chanyeol was worried "Uncle, aunty. Don't worry we will search for bomi". Bomi's parents apologized to everyone especially the elders. They were ashamed and also worried for bomi.


She thought sighing "They might have found out. I think they are searching for me. I should hide my identity". She went to the hair salon and changed her brown hair to blonde and wore blue contact lenses so that no one can recognize her. She then took her luggage and rushed to the airport. She reached the airport and cursed internally "I am late. I hope they didn't leave me" she said nervously. Bomi saw a group and went near. She felt relieved when she found the tour manager .The tour manager introduced himself "I am Mr.Sook, you can call me...Mr.Sook. haha". He continued "So everyone here.....let me check". He called out their names "Miss. Bomi" he called. Bomi jumped excitedly "Here..Here" she said. Mr.sook said "What a lovely girl. This trip is going to be interesting. Okay, let's continue....One person yet to come...where is he?" he said looking around. The flight announcement was made. Mr.Sook said "Okay, everyone let's get into the plane". Bomi became excited "Yes, Europe here i come. I wish something good happens in this trip" she smiled widely looking at the plane.


A young man was running in the airport with his bag, his silver hair bouncing in the wind. His leather jacket was falling off his shoulders. He checked the flight details and rushed towards the gate. He was glancing at his watch a number of times "Oh man, I am late" he said and increased his speed.He heard the announcer calling his name "Our last call for 'Mr.Byun Baekhyun'. Please come to gate 1 immediately".

He ran towards the entry "Hey, wait for me" he said rushing towards the people who were ready to close the gate. He stepped into the plane "Right on time" he said breathing heavily. He smiled widely "Europe here i come" he said raising his fist in the air and went inside.


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