Chapter One: Of Movies and Romance and Both

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Dean isn't girly. Not even close. He's manly as hell, not some chick-flick-watching tea-sipping weirdo. But if there's one person to make him act differently, it's Castiel. When it comes to his angel friend, he'd do anything. He already does. But he likes to feel in control, so he demands that Castiel never mention any of their activities to Sam. Castiel would just smirk a little and agree. Tonight is no exception.


"I heard Mean Girls is pretty good." Castiel noted, absentmindedly twirling the spaghetti around his fork.

"Mmm." Dean was only half paying attention. He had given up hunting just a few years ago, something he only accepted because both Castiel and Sam had begged him to, but old habits were hard to kick. He glanced at the window again. Steel frame, filled with salt. The whole house was practically steel an salt, even though most of the demons and other trouble had been dying down.

"Only so much bad in the world, kiddo." Bobby had said.

"Dean." Cas' firm voice shook Dean back into reality.

"Mm-hm?" he glanced across the table and at his friend.

"Dinner pleases my stomach." He announced, and Dean couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks. I found a couple recipes online and decided I'd try it out. That," Dean pointed to their plates of spaghetti, "is the product of people on Instagram and Yahoo."

Castiel nodded slowly in response. He had been working hard to learn about modern technology and its uses, and was currently figuring out how to use computers to get to popular websites (after a day of hard work, he was able to get to Google). His current project was getting to Yahoo, which was proving to be somewhat simple.

"What shall we occupy our time with this evening?" Castiel asked after a few moments of silence.

"I don't know." Dean shrugged, standing up to clear his plate. Castiel shuffled his feet and looked at the ground in a way Dean knew all too well. He sighed, turning to face his friend. "What did you want to do?" Castiel looked up from his feet with those puppy-dog eyes that they both knew he couldn't resist, mouth opening to begin another plead.

"I rented a movie and thought you might want to see it with me." Cas began, shuffling his feet again in a well-practiced manner. They both already knew that in a few minutes, no matter how adamant Dean was about not watching it, they'd both be curled up on the couch in no time. That was another thing Dean would never admit to doing. Cuddling.

The first time they had ever really 'cuddled', it was a complete accident. They were watching The Princess Bride, and by the end, when Princess Buttercup and Westley were happily reunited, Dean had looked down at their tangled limbs and, a moment later, had darted over to the kitchen, muttering something about the dishwasher not working properly. Castiel had figured out what was bothering Dean pretty quickly, and as soon as his friend returned to turn off the tv, he had announced that "cuddling is friendly and so therefore friends must cuddle". Neither of them really argued against that logic, but neither decided to go past the platonic relationship that they had formed. Both friends knew about the line between a platonic relationship and a romantic one, a line that was so easy to cross but so hard to go back to. Neither Dean nor Cas wanted to be the one to cross over first, less their friendship be ruined.


Castiel wasn't sure when Dean first started to doze off, since the movie, at least in his opinion, was quite enthralling and required practically all of his attention. But as the credits began to roll across the screen he took a moment to watch the hunter. His hunter. He had lost practically all of his "angel mojo" as Dean called it, and was just a human as his friend. Castiel had recently learned that being human was more than just cell phones and confusing love stories (especially those involving pizza men). Being human meant you felt everything. Every raw emotion bubbling up inside at the silliest of things. Castiel found many of these feelings frustrating, but there was one particular emotion that had subtly been altering his actions. That emotion, he found, was most definitely the most confusing. He had trouble placing it- it made him sick at times, but pleasantly so, it made his heart beat so much faster that Castiel was sure it would pop out of his chest. The emotion had been causing him various problems, but he was mostly concerned with how it made him act around Dean.

The hunter never seemed to notice the irrational decisions that Castiel made when they were together, and for that, Castiel was grateful.

Castiel often found himself making odd decisions as a human, but it was only fairly recently that he had realized that the secret, unknown emotion was in play. It had started when Dean and Castiel were watching Definitely, Maybe, which apprently had very good reviews (Castiel was pretty sure it was basically just about a man who loved multiple women, but in the end only loved one). Dean had fallen asleep, as usual, and Castiel couldn't stop himself from watching the hunter beside him. He watched his friend sleep, memorizing and taking in every feature. Castiel found himself thinking very odd thoughts, mainly of Dean, but each and every one hinting at Dean's compatability with Castiel. Castiel hadn't been sure at the time what had been causing such thoughts, but now, as he watched the hunter beside him, he was sure. His friend was decidedly not the cause for Castiel's odd decisions.

Castiel nodded to himself. He knew what was wrong.

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