Chapter Two: I Won't Say I'm In Love

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Castiel was more than a little nervous. Angels hardly ever get sick, and he was no exception. Well, he used to be that way. But now? Castiel was sure that he was sick. He wasn't sure what type of disease it was, but he knew it was bad, and most definitely the source of his recent problems.

"Mister Novak?" Castiel looked up to the blonde nurse standing in front of one of the doorways. "He's ready to see you now."

Castiel stood in silence, following the woman down the hall and into another room.

"Wait right here. He'll be here in a moment." she slipped out of the room, and Castiel was left by himself. He hummed to himself, trying to keep himself busy, until he realized that he was humming I Won't Say I'm in Love, from Disney's Hercules, a movie Sam and Dean had showed him so they wouldn't have to explain to him about love and denial, and other things like that. He stopped abruptly, pausing before humming another song, trusting himself to choose a different song.

He did choose a different song- but this one wasn't much better. Castiel stopped humming Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. He didn't like the uncomfortable feelings the song was giving him, or the way that Dean's face was stuck in his head as he hummed.

"Castiel, right?" an elderly man stuck out his hand, and after a moment of hesitation, Castiel shook it.

"My name is Castiel, yes." Cas nodded in agreement. The man chuckled.

"Well, what seems to be the problem, Castiel?" the doctor sat down in a chair, facing the angel with concern.

"I'm very sick." he said plainly.

"I see." the doctor scribbled a few words down. "What sickness? Any symptoms you'd care to share?"

"My stomach feels weird sometimes. It's like I'm nauseaus, but it's not the same. Sometimes my heart speeds up, or I do really weird things and say things I wouldn't normally say." Castiel chose his words carefully, trying not to act as though he was a fallen angel with almost no clue about modern lingo and technology.

The doctor smiled slightly, continuing to scribble things down.

"Do I have cancer?" Castiel asked, and it was obvious how afraid he was that he did. The doctor shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"No, you do not have cancer. Tell me- do you experience these symptoms, usually around one person?" Castiel nodded. "I think I know what the problem is."

Castiel leaned forward in his seat, eager to have the doctor's opinion.

"You, my friend, are in love." the doctor announced, a smile playing across his lips.

"In what?" Castiel asked his eyes wide. He had heard of this odd thing- this love- before, mostly in the movies he and Dean watched together. "No, no, that's not possible!" he continued to protest.

"Afraid so." the doctor chuckled again. "What's her name?" Castiel sighed in defeat. He should've known he loved the hunter.

"His name is Dean." Castiel put in, and the doctor's eyes widened.

"Oh. Right. Sorry." The doctor stood up and shuffled his papers. "Right. Well, you, Castiel, are in love with Dean." The doctor left the room, and Castiel was alone once more.

"I'm in love." he whispered, obviously in shock.

"Mister Novak?" a voice asked, and he looked up to see the nurse from earlier poke her head in the doorway and smile. "Go out to the movies, and to a fancy restaurant with him. That's my advice." she smiled again before leaving.

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