Chapter Three: Date Night

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Dean was more than a little surprised at Castiel's choice of movie, although the hunter would''t deny his appreciation of his friend's decision. The Man of Steel movie was quite different from the romantic, fluffy, kiss-in-the-rain type things that Castiel usually chose to watch.

"Was I right about my assumption that you would not have a longing for the time you used to analyze the story on the screen?" Castiel asked, and Dean almost laughed at the angel's choice of words.

"Yeah. You were right." Dean slipped his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. The numbers '7:01' flashed across the bright screen, and Dean sighed, tucking the phone away once more. "It's 7 now. Was there anything else you wanted to do?"

Castiel nodded, excited from finally being able to take Dean out, with the hunter actually enjoyin g himself (it wasn't Castiel's fault that he didn't know that Dean didn't like mountain climbing or gardening).

"I will require for you to impair your since for a temporary amount of time." Castiel added when they reached the car. Dean sighed.

"Fine. But this time, you have to help me. It kept sliding off when I did it by myself, and I had trouble trying to fix it 'cause I didn't even know what I was doing." Dean frowned, slipping into the passenger seat. Castiel agreed, starting up the engine as he helped secure his tie around Dean's eyes. When the hunter turned to face him as they tried to figure out if he could see or not, Castiel had to resist the urge to just kiss the hunter already. He knew Dean wasn't really one for steady relationships, and Castiel was still unsure about his planned move to cross from friend to partner. Not to mention the fact that such an action would invade Dean's personal space, which Castiel had gradually learned to respect. Just as the angel's doubts began to grow, one look at Dean convinced him that another second where he wasn't being honest with Dean was just another second wasted.

Dean cleared his throat awkwardly at the lack of speech or movement from his angel friend. "So." he shifted in his seat. "Are we going or not?"

Castiel nodded, then remembered that Dean was blindfolded, and frowned slightly and answered.

"Yes. We shall depart from the theater now." Dean laughed, and Castiel turned to him in confusion. "What is it that you find entertaining?"

"You're adorable." Dean smiled a little bit, not his hey-I'm-Dean-Winchester-who-are-you kind of smile, but his you're-really-funny-and-I-don't-even-realize-that-this-smile-is-perfect smile. Castiel busied himself with memorizing this smile, and Dean frowned at the silence. "I mean, if you don't want to be adorable, or if I hurt your feelings or something, then I'm sorry, I just..." he trailed off, not quite sure what to say.

"No," Castiel announced, buckling his seat belt, "I am alright with being pronounced adorable. My human emotions also appear to be unharmed." Dean smiled again.

"Right. Whatever you say, buddy." his light smile turned into a grin. "Where to next?"

"Another surprise." Castiel smiled, and they both knew Dean could picture the curve of Castiel's lips despite the blindfold. "So just sit back and relax."


"That was quick." Dean noted when the car stopped. "Unless we're stuck in traffic. /Please/ tell me we're not stuck in traffic." Castiel couldn't help but smile at the hunter's hatred of traffic. Since Dean usually went way over the speed limit, it wasn't hard for Castiel to guess that Dean didn't like keeping still, and traffic was the worst way to not keep still.

"We are not spending unnecessary amounts of time on the black gravel behind numerous other vehicles. We have arrived at our final destination." Castiel informed him, and Dean grinned.

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