Yandere's First.. Kill

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Yandere walked up to Meisa before she left the running area later on that day. She asked Meisa to meet her after they changed behind the school. Meisa accepted the invitation. Yandere quickly dressed back into her regular uniform, and looked in the empty lounges for a sharp object. In the empty teacher lounge there was a sharp knife in a cake. Yandere grabbed the knife, hid it, and rushed outised behind the school where Meisa was already. Yandere walked up to her, knife in one hand behind her back. Meisa turned around and waved. Yandere said she had a surprise for Meisa, so Meisa had to close her eyes. Yandere immediately stabbed the knife right inside Meisa's stomach. Meisa looked blankly and fell to the ground. Yandere had to hide her before someone saw the corpse. Yandere saw a dumpster nearby, and dumped the dead body in the dumpster and ran away as fast as possible to get to class 3-1. She acted as if nothing happened.at.all.

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