Burial of the fallen

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The rain fell in a fine silvery mist, moonlight streaking through like glimmers of hope in a world of darkness. One ray fell on a young boy running as if his life depended on it, which in a way, it did. he was pursued by four tall men in black garb. They had just slaughtered everyone else in his squad, who where delivering a message to the Uzumaki clan. His thoughts flickered to his three older brothers, who were probably sleeping right now. Suddenly one of the men jumped in front of him and kicked him back. Kawarama cried out as he was flung like a ragdoll into the wet earth. "Please.....please don't h-h-hurt me" he stuttered, backing up to try and get away from the man. HIs back thudded against a tree trunk.

The man's red eyes caught the pale moonlight and he stepped towards Kawarama. Tears started to drip down Kawarama's face. "A shinobi mustn't show emotion, not matter the situation." the man taunted, smirking. One of the other men walked towards him. "Tajima-sama, should we finish him off?" he said in a plain monotone. "I don't see why we can't have some fun with him, Aoiki." Tajima replied. All Aoiki said was "Hm." before drawing his sword.

Kawarama's screams of agony echoed through the damp forest, bouncing of trees and rocks.

Then sun began to rise, a few radiant beams glinted on the horizon and Hashirama was worried. His youngest brother, Kawarama, should've been back at the Senju compound a while ago. He and Tobirama had gone to search for him. The reached a clearing and Hashirama turned to Tobirama saying "We should rest, we'll need our strength  case we encounter the Uchiha."

But his brother wasn't paying attention to him. He was staring straight past Hashirama at the mutilated corpse of their brother, Kawarama. His arms were nailed to the tree trunk with kunai and shuriken. HIs stomach had been cut open and his intestines pulled out and wrapped around the surrounding trees to form a cobweb. Paper bombs were laced into the gory mess so that if anyone tried to take down the sickening sight, they would be blown to high heaven.

This had the Uchiha written all over it.

"Kawarama!"the brothers cried in unison before deciding that it was better for the adults of the senju to cut him down. They were more experienced in traumatic events like these.

Later that day, the three remaining siblings and their father stood and watched as their little brother as well as many others, were buried. Itama(the youngest) brother was crying wholeheartedly and every gut-wrenching sob seemed to agitate their father ore and more.

"Shinobi do not cry." he snapped at Itama. "Shinobi are born into this world to fight ad die in battle, be grateful we managed to get even a piece of his corpse. The enemy is particularly merciless." It was too much for Hashirama. "Kawarama was just seven years old." he exclaimed. Hashirama turned to his father. "How long will this sort of fighting continue."

"Until the last foe has been vanquished, the path to a battle free world is not made easily." his father replied blatantly.

"And children must be sacrificed..." Hashirama whispered. His father turned suddenly and smacked him in the face. Tobirama stepped forward to catch his brother.

"I will not allow Kawarama to be disrespected! He fought and died as a fully fledged Shinobi!He was not a child!" Their father shouted, spittle flying onto their faces. Hashirama clutched a hand to his face as his father turned from him and started to walk away. Itama bent down, "Hashirama-anejan, are you ok?" "You know what happens when we defy father." Tobirama added. Hashirama scowled and gritted his teeth. He leaped up and shouted at his father, "The Senju, the clane of love? As if! A fully fledged Shinobi my ass!" Butama Senju stopped abruptly and turned to face his oldest son. "We're the same as the Uchiha!" Hashirama continued. At this, his father  would've struck him across the face again if it hadn't been for Tobirama.

"Father, Anejan is feeling depressed today, please forgive him." Tobirama pleaded.

"Hashirama, go clear your head." Butama Senju said before chakra dashing away.

Later, the three boys sat on a tree trunk by a river. "Adults are stupid." Tobirama seethed. "If they didn't want all these deaths, they should just sign a peace treaty."

"But what about avenging those you loved or were related to you." questioned Itama. Tobirama looked at him from under his white lashes before replying. "If you talk like that, Itama, we'll end up burying you too."

"Oh." Itama said before crying out. "Anejan! What's that!" he pointed to a purple speck floating on the river surface. "It's not an Uchiha because they wouldn't be stupid enough to come this close to the Senju compound and no Uchiha armour is purple." was all that Hashirama said.

"If its not an Uchiha lets go take a look." Itama said before running off towards the person. "Itama wait!" Tobirama and Hashirama both yelled before running after their brother.

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