The girl with dragon tattoos

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Itama dashed towards the purple speck and was shortly followed by his brothers, Tobirama and Hashirama. "Hey look!" Itama shouted. "Its a girl!" Hashirama and Tobirama looked at each other uneasily. Women soldiers were extremely uncommon but when they occasionally appeared, it was because either prodigies or there were no other choices. The Senju clan had forbidden women from fighting in the war even though there were some truly gifted shinobi. "hey, isn't that Ryume armor?" Hashirama asked.

"Anejan, that's impossible." Tobirama replied starkly. He stepped closer to the girl, only to see the Ryume crest on her shoulders. His eyes drifted down to her stomach where he saw a large gash across her stomach."She's badly hurt."Hashirama said quietly. "Well the Ryume were allies of the Senju, we at least should honor that." replied Tobirama. He jogged across the river and hoisted her up under her arms and dragged her back to the land. Suddenly he dropped her and her armor clattered on the ground. "Ow! Something bit me!" he exclaimed, looking at his arm to see a set of teeth marks oozing blood. He looked up to see some sort of creature that looked a bit like a snake with legs. "What the hell are you?" Tobirama said. The creature ignored him and growled at them instead. "What do you brats think you're doing! Stay away from my mistress!"

"Relax. We didn't mean to frighten you, we're Senju so we won't hurt your mistress." Hashirama answered, turning on his charisma. The creature turned to Tobirama, "I'm a dragon." it snarled.

"Your mistress is badly hurt, at least let us fix the wound." Hashirama continued. Suddenly, their father called. "Hashirama, Itama! I have  mission for you both!" Hashirama glanced at Tobirama before nodding and running off. Tobirama glanced nervously at the dragon. The dragon had gone back to the girls skin. That was the bit that crept Tobirama out the most. They had tattoos of dragons that came alive. These dragons could pull out the life force of anyone, which was why the Ryume lived for so long. Their clan elder had been around since the time of Kaguya Otutsuki.

Tobirama bent down and picked the girl up, then headed back towards the Senju compound. Nobody really seemed to be around o Tobirama walked towards his house. Opening the door with difficulty, he scrambled through the house. Tobirama set the girl down before trying to find away to take her armor off.It was very different to Senju armor so he had no idea how to remove it. "Mhg."Tobirama coughed "Excuse me Mr Dragon?" "My name is Niko." the dragon replied."What do you want Senju boy?"

"How do I remove her armor?"

"It has clasps at the top, twist them to take the front off." was all that Niko said. Tobirama mumbled his thanks before complying with the instructions. He pulled the armor off gently and slipped off her shoes. He took in the blood soaked base of her kimono top, before concluding what to do. He braced himself for a bite from Niko. Tobirama leaned forward and began to untie the her kimono top. As expected, he got a bite from Niko. "Just what do you think you're doing boy!?" he hissed through his fangs. "She has a severe stomach wound, I have to take her shirt off to treat it!" Tobirama explained.

Reluctance showed on Niko's face. He nodded begrudgingly. "But if you dare try to peek, I'll tell mistress and  I know for a fact she will not be pleased if I tell her you were looking at her-"

"I won't!" Tobirama interrupted aggressively. Tobirama continued with what he'd been doing. Her shirt was sticky with blood and Tobirama tried not to grimace. The gash was a raggedy smile across her abdomen. He noticed she had been wearing mesh armor around her upper body but it had been to high up to protect her stomach. He also noticed the number of dragon tattoos she had around her stomach and chest. It looked like four but he wan't quiet sure.Siting on her chest was a necklace with two pendants. One appeared to be made of moonstone and had a gold dragon engraved on it. The other looked like sunstone and had a silver dragon on it. "You're looking!" screeched Niko. "No I'm not." Tobirama stated hurriedly before rushing out of the room to get bandages and water.

A few days later, the air was a chilly blanket wrapped around the Senju compound. Tobirama shivered as he had no duvet to keep him warm because the Ryume girl was currently in his bed. Luckily he had Niko who had taken a liking to him and would keep him slightly warm at night. Suddenly, the girl bolted upright. She groaned and clutched her side as she turned slowly around. "Hey, don't move so much, you'll open up you're wound." Tobirama said gently as he walked over to her. "Where am-" she stopped mid sentence and her eyes widened as she processed the fact she was in a bed in a place where she didn't know anyone and was being talked to by a stranger.

"Don't be scared, I'm not gonna-"Tobirama never got a chance to finish as the girl kicked him in the face and sent him flying across the room.

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