No Time

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The morning sun rose diligently, spreading its honeyed rays over the Senju compound. Dew drops glinted from the spider webs they where draped from; a fine mist wrapped around them like scarves. The cold air hung in silence, waiting for the daily routines to begin. Hisanna shivered and wrapped the duvet round herself tightly. It was still early, but she wanted to get up before Tobirama. Groggily, she sat up and reached for her kimono, wrapping it around herself so she could modestly make it to the bathroom.

Once Hisanna looked presentable, hair in a bun and the gunk from her eyes washed away, she went downstairs to the kitchen. Last nights dirty dishes still sat despairingly in the sink. Hisanna rolled her eyes and began to clean them up. After about an hour, she heard movement upstairs, as four sets of feet stomped around. Her host smiled approvingly when he got downstairs, taking in the cleaned dishes and onigiri.

"Hisanna-onechan, did you make all those onigiri for us?" Itama asked hopefully, staring at the full platter of rice balls.

"No. There all for me Itama." Hisanna stated monotonously. She took in the expression on Itama's face and burst out laughing. "I'm only joking, Itama." She explained as she set the plate on the table. Everyone sat down, beginning to gulp down their breakfast.

"Now, Hisanna, all the men will be leaving the compound today. I believe you can look after the others. We will be exhausted when we come back tonight, so I expect dinner to be ready and there to be water in the bath." Butsama said, looking straight into Hisanna's yellow eyes. She stared agape at what he had asked her to do.

"I'm a kunoichi not a housemaid." She said indignantly.

"Well then, if you prove yourself, I might let you tag along. Next time. This time, I wan you to stay here with the women and girls."

"But we'll be vulnerable to attacks!" Hisanna exclaimed.

"Which is why you'll be here." Butsama explained. He turned away from Hisanna, "Now boys, go get your armour."

"Yes father." They all answered in unison, getting up from the table. She pouted, glaring at Tobirama for letting this happen. He shrugged apologetically and ran upstairs to get his stuff. Some help he was! Niko muttered.

Within the next twenty minutes, all the men and boys had gone and the once noisy compound was quiet again. Hisanna sighed but set to work in the household diligently. First to tackle was the kitchen: the breakfast dishes still scattered around, the floor dirty and needing to be mopped, the dust so thick that where it gathered was a thick layer of grey fur. Hisanna spent all morning ferociously cleaning the kitchen and the other rooms. She even dared to venture into the boys' bedrooms and sorted their clothing out.

At last Hisanna was free of chores. But the peace did not last long.

To start with, she had planned to meet with Keito, to figure out what to do about Toku; but things rapidly changed.

Hisanna waited by the mess hall for Keito, but something felt off, her senses were tingling and she knew she was being watched.

"Hisanna-chan! What are you waiting around for? Just come into the mess hall and eat!" Keito exclaimed loudly.

"Ssshh." Hisanna hissed as she grabbed Keito and dashed behind one building. "Keito..we're being watched."


"I knew an attack would happen. I knew it." she frowned slightly. "Keito, how many of these women can fight?"

"I-I-I don't know...maybe about 14 out of the 47 we have here." Keito stuttered. Frown deepening, Hisanna closed her eyes.

"There's three at 12 'o' clock, one at 4 'o' clock and five at 9 'o' clock."Hisanna whispered.

"'re a sensory type, like Tobirama-sama?" Keito gaped

"My skills are mediocre at best, Keito. Try and stay focused. I'll need you to get anyone who can't fight, and get them somewhere safe. Get two people who have shinobi skills to guard. Make sure no one makes any noise. The rest need to be on high alert but we don't want to engage in useless battles. Understand?" Hisanna instructed carefully.

"Got it. What about you?" Keito asked

"I'll see if i can get them by surprise."

Hisanna looked around one more time before vanishing. Keito bit her lip before running into the mess hall.

Hisanna landed behind the single Uchiha silently. Niko, go for it. Hisanna thought. He burst forward, catching the Uchiha in a choke. She waited until the Uchiha kid had fainted before puling Niko back. We aren't here to kill. Yet.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands had grabbed her by the throat, lifting her up and flinging her in an arc onto a nearby roof. Damn it. The Uchiha kid was just a diversion. Niko, me, please. All her dragons shot off her, and ripped the Uchiha man to shreds. She propped herself up on her elbows before quickly dodging a kick sent her way. She looked around and noticed a lot of the Senju women had engaged in combat.

Clearly the Uchiha had underestimated the power of Senju women.

"Agh! Get off me!" Toku exclaimed, attempting to hurl ice daggers at her opponent. They missed and she was pinned against a wall with kunai. Hisanna shot forward, sending her fist through the guys neck and pulling out his windpipe. Toku gagged as Hisanna reached forward to pull out the kunai.

"...Thanks Hisanna. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you."

Hisanna blinked once, then twice. Did she mishear Toku? Chuckling, she realized that Toku meant it sincerely.

"No problem, Toku. No problem at all."

The Epic of Konoha: Scroll One - Hisanna RyumeWhere stories live. Discover now