Chapter 10: The Plan

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Outside of Peridot's Castle, the remaining group of oddballs were panicking that Connie and Toto were taken by Peridot. Pearlcrow eventually calmed everyone down and she eventually thought of a plan. Once she told everyone else......"That plan will never work!" Tin Garnet said. "Yeah, It's too crazy!" Lion said in agreement. Pearlcrow said, "Oh come on! It's worth a try! We have to save Connie and Toto!" Tin Garnet thought to herself, "This is the only plan we's worth a shot." She put her metallic hand on Pearlcrow's shoulder. "Let's do it." she says. Lion eventually joins everyone else, and they walked towards the castle. 

In front of Peridot's Castle, Two holo guards stood in front of the gate. Pearlcrow, Tin Garnet, and Lion were hiding in a bush. Pearlcrow made a hologram of a guard and moved it over to the gate. "Who Are You" The robotic guard asked. " I Am A Guard That Would Like To Enter The Castle" Pearlcrow's fake replied. The guards let up their holographic spears and let the fake inside. Pearlcrow's fake turned around with a smile. It gripped it's spear, and slashed the other holograms in the chest. Both of the guards glitched out into nothing. All of a sudden, an alarm went off. A screen showed up in front of the door. Peridot showed up on the screen. "What clods wrecked my guards!" She said angrily. "Hush! You have our friend!" Lion said to the evil gem. Peridot thought for a moment, and realized what they were talking about."Oh! Your little clod and her dog! Well, I have her in my clutches, and you'll never save her! Mwahahahahaha!" Peridot replied. She then shut down her screen. But then the gate started to close. The group ran as fast as they could through the gate, before it closed. Then they started towards the door.

 Inside the Castle, the group had just walked in, and Inside, the castle was very smooth and clean. There was black marble on the floor and walls, and the doors were malachite. The group looked around for the room that Connie and Toto could be in. They looked in door after door, but found no sign of Connie. They eventually came to a seemingly empty hallway. There was one holo guard standing in front of a huge malachite door. The group got ready to defeat that one holo guard. But then something strange happened. The holo guard glitched, and turned into 2 more of it itself. 3 versus 3. There was a small silence in the room, and then....." CHARRRRRRGE!" Pearlcrow cried. The 3 holo guards, and the 3 gem oddballs clashed together in a huge fight. The Pearlcrow simply snatched the spear from the holo guard, and fought it back. The holo guard regenerated another spear, and equally fought Pearlcrow. Tin Garnet threw punches, and Lion bit into the guards. They won. With nothing else standing in their way, they walked through the malachite door, where they hoped Connie was waiting.

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