I don't know what it means to be in love.
I don't know what it means to be dependent on someone.
I don't know what it means to want someone.
I don't know how to feel those things either.
Sometimes, I think that I'm the normal one and everyone else is messed up in the head but then maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe we are all messed up and we just call it being normal.
Maybe the people we consider messed up are the normal ones but there are more abnormal ones that we over rule them.
Maybe our way of thinking has been surpassed by other life forms in another galaxy.
We could also be the people who are more advanced but not realize the idea of other living things out there.
Or we could all be atoms of a bigger things.
Or their are smaller things in us and they don't realize what they are.
Or it could be both.
Or even maybe none at all and we are all just a big dream someone is having and it's somehow another reality.
But then again anything can be true because when we prove one thing more questions pop up.
So we will never know if we are real or not.
If we are normal or not.
If we are in love or not.
If we really depend on someone.
If we are the biggest or smallest thing alive.
If we are a dream or an idea.
If we exist at all.
But, if we don't exist then how are we all here?
Are we all going to just....
Vanish one day?
If we do...
I want to know why.
But there are no answers to my questions because they are impossible to answer.
They are questions with more questions.
We are just questions that we think have a logical answer.
When someone has an idea as to how to answer me...
Can you tell me?
These thoughts hurt.
An I want to talk to someone about them.
Will anyone listen?