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I'm in dark alley with my old friend Johnie and he's got a Big stick in his hand with rope and another stick on the bottom and the ally is wet, because of the rain and fog covers the air from the rain. the air is humid..I think and he whacks me with the sticks WHAM! I fall down with blood splashing down on the wet ground while I fall into some garbage bags, I then get up and grab a trash can behind me and throw it at him and he's down for the count, then I hear "FINISH HIM" that's when I hear my friends Tony, Jon, Big Tom (he's 6'2) and Johnie (it's spelt that way because that's how he spelt his name before he knew how to spell and he kept it), Tim (or Timmy or Timothy or Tiny Tim thanks for my love of the Christmas carol) and of course me Donte. I hear Tony  screaming "cut his head off!!" With Jon saying "rip his legs off!"I block out there noise and use a stage fatality with a sharp object sticking through the ground as I push him in and he gets impaled in the head he's still alive as I drop a garbage can in his head and causes it to go down on the sharp object more and it pierces through his eye and kills him, then I hear "Fatality" through the screen as Johnie throws the controller to the basement floor while yelling "Fucking hell! You cheated you damn dirty bitch!" I reply with "umm there's 3 other people that can prove that I didn't, right gu-" I get cut off as Johnie jumps on me choking me softly and smacking me around as I push him off and get up and stand up in a karate pose "whaaa!" I say in a Bruce lee like sound and he kicked me in the balls like an asshole. I groan "ass...hole" he says "eh, at least my balls don't hurt". Then my friend Damian comes to the basement and says "who's got the weed and cigarettes?" All of us look around and say "we got beer" then he pulls out 3 packs of cigarettes and a $25 thing of weed and 3 dutches. "We getting high niggas!" We all scream "aaaaa!" We roll up the weed and hotbox the room, Big Tom and Jon are high as shit and I'm just chilling when my gf or not gf I don't fucking know we broke up but we still make out all the time, it's weird. Oh I forgot to say this I'm a virgin but everyone in my group of friends aren't virgins. Hell Jon says he banged two chicks at once and we don't believe him because he's a fugly mother fucker but he has had sex thanks to lovely low self esteem in prepubescent girls and I just love it, but my girl Teresa is also a virgin, but that haven't stop johnie to try fucking her while they were dating, by the way thanks to him that's the reason we broke up in the first place because he took her to the dance saying I don't like her, even though I was fucking sick. He's such an asshole sometimes. I only really hang out with him because he can buy beer and he's entertaining in a way. So after we got done smoking we decided to go to Burger King in our high school rivals area in South of my town of Garington. These assholes have been a pain in our asses for awhile, one time they tried to jump my friend Tyler who little did they know was the gayest karate master you can ever find. So he got jumped but he fucking turned into Mr. Han from karate kid and he beat the shit outta 5-10 guys and it was recorded and we watch it all the time. So we leave and 10 guys see us and they immediately know we're from the north and they come up to us, the biggest guy says "hey dick nozzles, what the fuck are you doing here?" (That's my favorite insult ever) Now we're high as hell so we really didn't wanna fight, so I say "alright look, we're really high, we'll give you our last blunt if you leave us alone" luckily they were stoners and they took it then he put it in his pocket and while he was walking out it fell out his pocket, so win-win situation. So we get our food and get in the car and we drive home and we go in the basement smoke out last two blunts and eat 15 cheese burgers, thanks to the fact that I made a lot of money for writing a pretty big story called times of death and my publisher is giving me money constantly so I get 15 cheese burgers 10 fries and 100 piece nuggets and now we're eating like kings, Burger Kings™.

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