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Epilogue of this story, you'll find out if there's a sequel at the end:)


"And now the couple will exchange their vows, Louis would you please?"

Louis nodded and took the paper his pocket and unfolded it and took a breath, his heart pounding in his chest, "Harry, today is a day I used to dream about, I never thought that you of everybody in the world, you'd chose to be with me, we've had our ups and downs in life, and we've always worked together to come back from that. From this day on I promise to be there for you, and help you with everything, even though I can't do any domestic work, sadly that's all on you, I promise that whenever you're down to help bring you back to your happy cheeky self. But most of all I promise to love you even more than I already do if that's even a possible thing, cherish you, and be with you every day for the rest of my life and be your Loubear," by the time Louis was finished he had small tears in his eyes he grabbed the Kleenex his mum gave him and wiped his eyes.

Harry smiled and pulled out his paper and unfolded it, "Louis, there's no words to describe how I feel right now, I'm happier than I've ever been thanks to you. You make my day so much better just by walking into the room, you treat me better than I deserve and I will never get over his someone as perfect and amazing as you, is with me everyday. From this day on, I promise to make sure no one ever hurts you again, to make sure yours happy, and to make sure you don't ever feel like you're not good enough when in reality you don't see how perfect you are. I love you Loubear and I always have and always will, because I'm your Hazza, and that's what I'm here to do."

They exchanged rings after that and Louis smiled again looking up at Harry teary eyed.

Harry reached his thumb forward and wiped Louis' tears away and smiled.

"Harry, do you take Louis to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for as long as you both should live?"

"I do," Harry smiled looking down at Louis lovingly.

"And do you Louis, take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for as long as you both should love?"

Louis nodded, "I do."

"Then by the power invested in my, I know pronounce you married, you may kiss."

Louis smiled and jumped on Harry kissing him and wrapping his arms around him.


"It's my honor to present to you the newly wed, Harry and Louis Styles-Tomlinson!"

Louis and Harry walked through the doors into the reception smiling wide as everyone cheered for them. They went over and took their spots at the head table and smiled talking with people until their dinner was served to them.

Louis smiled and held Harry's hand under the table as they are laughing with everyone around them. When they were done they sat back as Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis and Harry's families made speeches, they were all out dancing.

"Please make room for the first dance."

Louis smiled and went over by Harry on the dance floor and took his hand in his.

Harry pulled Louis close to him and wrapped his arms around his waist and started swaying with him to the music.

Louis laid his head on Harry'a chest and wrapped his arms around him smiling as they danced leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips and hummed quietly with the song.

Harry nuzzled his nose into Louis' hair and sighed happily.

"I love you so much Hazza.."

Harry smiled, "I love you too."

~3 weeks later~

Louis walked up to their flat and pulled out his key smiling and unlocking the door pushing it open and pushing the luggage inside.

Harry went up behind him and scooped Louis up laughing and walked inside.

"Haz!" Louis squealed wrapping his arms around Harry tightly and laughed.

Harry set him down and kissed him smiling wide, "Couldn't help it husband."

"Still calling me husband?"

"Yes, I'll never get over the fact that you're my husband now and forever."

Louis laughed and leaned up pecking his lips again, "You know we never got to open out wedding presents because our flight left right after the reception?"

"I know, wanna open them?"

Louis nodded and went into the closet and pulled the large boxes out and brought them into the living room.

After about ten minutes all the presents were out and the pair sat down on the couch and grabbed a paper to write everything down.

Harry grabbed a box on top and smiled, "Niall," he said and Louis wrote it down. The box was opened and Harry laughed.

Louis looked and laughed taking the box and looking inside, "He got us condoms and lube!?"

Harry took the card out and smiled, "I know you'll need these a lot more now that your married, don't use it all in one night, from Nialler."

"Typical Niall," Louis smiled writing it down and setting the box aside.

"Pick one Lou."

Louis smiled and jumped on the biggest box, "It's from Liam!" He smile opening it quickly, "He got us a waffle iron and a set of pans, the car says, "Sorry for Niall wrecking your other set while you were away...wait what!?"

Harry stood up and went into the kitchen and opened the cupboards, "The pans are gone! He did do something!"

Louis groaned and pushed the present aside and wrote it down.

After an hour of opening presents they out everything in its place and laid down on the couch cuddling close.

"Haz...?" Louis said quietly biting his lip.

"Yeah babe?"

"I need to tell you something..." Louis said sitting up.

"What is it?"

"Remember a few weeks ago when I was getting sick and I went to the hospital and I told you it was just a stomach bug?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah what about it?"

Louis sighed, "I lied...." He told him quietly looking at his lap, "I'm pregnant...four months...."


Well if you haven't figured it out there is a sequel and it is mpreg! It's going to be called...I have no idea yet...so if you have an idea for a title comment it please:D!!!!

Thank you everyone who ever liked, commented, read, or added this story I love you so much for that I'll see you in my next fic hopefully.

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