glimpse of the silhouettes

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Rating: Explicit

Warnings: spanking, overstimulation, orgasmn delay/denial, pwp

Word count: 7181

Summary: Harry isn't sure what the rules are for this. It's hard to believe that there are any, that's there's a handbook just waiting for him to buy: why is my best mate getting hard in my lap when I touch his arse?


The first time Harry maybe notices, they're on stage, of all places.

It's Manchester, and the request from Twitter user 'lickmalik69' (Zayn'd gotten a laugh out of that one, having to pause from reading it aloud to hide it) is for them to make a human pyramid, which, okay, whatever, they've done that plenty of times. They enlist Josh to help them out, be the shining star on top of their tree, and then it's set, go.

He and Liam immediately volunteer to go on the bottom, like they usually do; they've got more upper body strength than the other lads, definitely, and it's just safer that way, but they still need one more person, and Louis offers, raising his hand and saying into the mic, "I'm th - on the bottom, I'm on bottom, g'head, lads."

Harry worries for a second, because he's Harry and he worries, especially about Louis. He's smaller than the rest of them, for the most part, and having all that weight centered on him isn't good at all, and Harry really prefers when he's the one on top and the less risk that comes along with that. He catches Louis' eye, raises a questioning eyebrow at him. Louis exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, turning away from Harry to murmur something into Niall's ear.

Harry brushes it off, asks Liam to go in the center, and flashes him a grin when he agrees. Louis and Liam are on hands and knees quick enough, and it's only Harry left, but he's stretching for absolutely no reason at all other than it makes the crowd laugh and he likes that, wants them happy.

"Ladies - and gents - dontcha think if one Harry Styles would hurry up, we'd be able to get this show on the road?" Louis asks, bracing himself with one forearm and leaning over to say this into Liam's mic, lying in front of them.

Harry mocks his earlier gesture, rolling his eyes and walking across to his place, smacking Louis on the ass for his cheek. Lou'd been in the middle of saying something else, about how Harry moves just as slow as he talks, probably worse, they could definitely hold a poll on opinions, but when Harry does this, it's like his voice just dies down in his throat for a split second. Harry's confused over why for a moment, but Louis' got hold of himself faster than it even happened, even if his voice seems a bit higher than before, and there's a show to get going. Another day.


He's forgotten that anything off ever even happened until two weeks or so later, driving into Germany from France. The five of them are just settling down to watch a movie, some indie film that Zayn picked out that Louis and Niall only agreed to because there's a promise of nudity, dirty fucks they are, and Louis is just coming back from the kitchenette with a half-empty carton of pizza held tight in his hand. He's climbing back onto the huge bed/sofa thing that's still hard to explain, even after getting used to it, stepping over Liam's legs with an, "excuse me, mate, important object coming through," and getting ready to sit in the empty space next to Niall. Harry's feeling a bit cheeky, and he lifts his hands from where they'd been idly resting to slap both across Louis' bum, hard. Usually, if anyone hits him anywhere, regardless of whether it hurts, Louis will curse them out and just move on, but at this it's like he almost stops moving, frozen in place.

It isn't until Niall complains, "Lou, get your fuckin' arse out of my face and sit the fuck down, movie's starting," that he gets a move on, finally placing his leg down. Harry's intrigued by now, remembers Manchester and wants to know why Louis' suddenly getting stuck just because Harry's hit his ass.

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