Undisclosed Desires

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From: http://spotofpurple.tumblr.com/post/55815716018/title-undisclosed-desires-summary-so-louis-gets


Rating: NC-17

(author's) Warnings: This is smut people. I am not really sure where I was going with this, but I sure went somewhere, so here it is…

Summary: So Louis gets to see a side of Harry as Marcel he never saw before. And Harry might just be enjoying the switched perspectives a little too much. Featuring girly!Zayn.


Louis is confused for two reasons.

Firstly, Zayn has been discussing something of vital importance with Perrie for the entire hour it took the two of them to arrive to the filming studio. He isn’t really listening until he hears something about the eye shadow that would fit Zayn the best. The rises his infamous eyebrow at the lad, but Zayn simply smirks and looks away, frowning immediately at something Perrie said.

Whatever. Louis is the last person to be judging about people’s kinks. Considering the ridiculous and shameful situations the boys have caught him and Harry in…

He is in the middle of trying not to think about that one time Niall burst into the room looking for a bag of chips and Louis was on his knees in front of Harry and with lipstick smeared across his cheeks, the French maid costume wrinkled above his naked bum, when the second reason for confusion appears.

His phone beeps with the incoming message ringtone and when he takes it out it’s Niall asking when will they arrive to the studio. Now, Louis prides himself in knowing how to read Niall, mostly because the Irish lad is not really hard to interpret, especially if you have been spending every waking minute with him for the past three years. But the sheer excitement in this text confuses Louis, to say the least.

He frowns and tries to recall what they are supposed to be doing today. The filming for the Best Song Ever video starts, that he knows. The roles have been discussed already and that is why Louis doesn’t understand Niall’s excitement by the fact that he will spend the day with plastic stuck to his face, sweating in a suit that is supposed to make him look like an executive director. Speaking of impossible missions however, Louis has to admit that he can’t wait to see Zayn in girl’s clothes. The Bradford boy seems so excited, which well, why again? Louis wasn’t able to attend the fitting into their set clothes last night with the lads because he was being dragged to the obligatory shopping spree with Eleanor (and no, he is not gay enough to enjoy those as much as Eleanor thinks he does), having woken up this morning tired, annoyed and without Harry, he can be excused for being a little bit disoriented.

The ride is over soon and Zayn and Louis are instructed to pull their hoodies over their heads, to minimize the chance of fans figuring out where the filming is and to enter through the back door.

Zayn is dragged off to put on his dress (and Louis is not giggling, no he isn’t) and Louis gets pushed away in the direction of the wardrobe to put on his disguise for the day.

He almost forgets that something was strange that morning. But Niall texts three more times, getting more excited as the time passes and Louis is frowning at the phone by the last one. He tries calling Harry but his boyfriend doesn’t pick up and Louis is sinking into a worse mood by each passing second.

Then the cheerful make-up artist that just spent an hour fidgeting around his plastic covered face pushes him out to the main filming area. Louis sees Zayn and Liam laughing in the corner, one in a dress and heavy make-up and other in the gayest outfit Louis has ever seen and then he turns around and his jaw drops to the floor so fast he swears it could be heard.

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