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the other day i was running late to practice and i was still in my uniform and then i ran into the lobby and this girl who was one of my first swim friends (she's 3 years my senior who quit swimming and became a lifeguard) saw me and instead of 'hi' the first thing she said was 'isn't your skirt too short for a private school?' and then i felt a surge of anger because she doesn't understand the lengths of discomfort i went through to fit in and i still no way fit in and i never will and i will never fit in and i was just about to compliment her hair, too, cuz she recently dyed it dark red but i started to explain that this was how everyone wore her skirts and she was just like yeah yeah whatever go to practice and i'm just here like ?? just because you're a lifeguard doesn't give you the authority to dismiss me. ????

i don't know what was the purpose of this so.

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