celebrities and the media

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whenever i check the news now, all i see is celebrity bullcrap and suffering. and maybe like, idk, the occassional holiday craft/food idea. but like . . . why is our society like yoo let's stalk these famous people that are (most of the time) famous for some stupid reason (coughacertainpersonwhogotfamousforreleasingasextapeandhavingabigartificialbuttcough) and like there's the california shooting which somehowobviously relates to isil which makes absolutely no sense to me and it's justamerica trying to twist everything around and blame it on a so-called terrorist group but i do not agree with their ways but they do have the right to extend their beliefs just in my opinion it is rather extreme and they're trying to enforce it on others and that is violating their rights no that is not the right word but who cares no one is going to read this anyways i'm just typig this because i feel like it cuz the world sucks and all i can do to contribute is complain about it. i must be secretly a republican. 

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