Finding out About Your New Friends Secret

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(E/n) means enemies name. Since his sister is mean then... I thought why not have them use their enemies name? So... Yeah. Enjoy.

You got up out of bed, took a shower, and got dressed. As you were making breakfast when you received a text from Swift.

Swift: hey (y/n). Wyd?

You: making breakfast for me and Jake.

Swift: oh OK. How would u and Jake like to come over?

You: I would love too. But I have to see if Jake wants to.

Swift: OK. Psy, Kiara, my boyfriend, and their boyfriends will be there too.

You: OK. Bye.

Swift: bye. See ya in a few.

After that you went back to making breakfast. Soon Jake came in and hugged you from behind. "Hello, (y/n)." He said laying his head on your shoulder. You smiled at him. "Hello, Jake. Swift texted and asked of we would like to go over to her place to hang with her, Kiara, Psy, and their boyfriends." You said.

"Ok. I'll come." He said while grabbing the plates, forks, and cups. "Yay!" You said. Once breakfast was done and you both ate you both sat down on the couch and watched TV. As y'all were getting ready to go Jake's sister, (e/n), came in. "Where are you two going?" She asked. "None of your business." Jake answered. (E/n) just shrugged and walked away. "Ok whatever." She said.

*time skip brought to u by... The number 8! If u watch Soul Eater then u should get why I put this*

You, Swift, Psy, and Kiara were in Swift's room talking. While Jake, Kid, Kenshin, and Sanosuke were downstairs talking as well. A moment after you four were talking you heard a crashing sound and went downstairs to investigate. When you arrived you saw Kid freaking out because someone had said the number seven instead of eight. "Oh yeah. Forgot to tell y'all. Kid has OCD when it comes to symmetry." Swift said laughing nervously.

After that you four headed back up to Swift's room again. "So... I know I ask this a lot but I'm really curious. Why do you two where beanies all the time and why are you so pale Psy?" They all looked at each other for a moment and hesitated. "I guess we really should tell you now." Swift said. Kiara and Psy agreed. "You see. I'm a werewolf. And so is Kiara while Psy is a vampire. But she hasn't drunk anyone's blood before." Swift said nervously.

"Actually well..." You said and took off your beanie showing your (f/a) ears. They stared shocked then tackled you in a hug. "So you are one of us." They cheered. You laughed. After that you talked about how it was like with y'alls pasts and how you became part (f/a).

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