Just Prayed To A God

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*I hate High School, and technically for you Americans I am in Middle school. Either way I hate it. There is just so much drama I enjoy the work more! Just not Food Tech, or French, I'm okay with Spanish though....MOVING ON, I just want to mention this is set in 2013. Don't ask questions!*

Hanji owned a self moving carriage, a car. It was actually much more comfortable than a carriage and it didn't smell like horse shit. She had printed the directions out and was driving at the speed limit as it was still 8:30AM so the school hadn't started. Hanji turned on a radio that caused loud music to play; which was in Korean, and although neither of us understood it, the melody was quite nice and Hanji enjoyed it. 

"So, Levi. How do you think you're gonna handle seeing Eren?" Hanji asked me at one point. 

"About as good as he will seeing his therapist at school."

"Fair point. Also, how do I decide if I should break up with Petra? I mean, she's dead, and, but how am I supposed to know how I feel about someone I haven't spent any time with, well you know romantically."

"Spend time with her. Seriously you're the therapist not me."

The music was suddenly cut off and replaced with a similar ringing sound to my phone instead.

"Okay what do I do! What is this!" As Hanji freaked out I noticed a small microphone connected to the radio, near a button in the shape of a phone, I pressed it and the ringing was replaced with Petra's voice.

"Hello? Hanji?" she asked through the speakers.Though I couldn't see her, I felt a warm presence that she always had when she was alive, which I guess she still is.

"Oh, um hey Petra." Hanji replied nervously, though her tone was well covered. 

"Look, I received a call from Mr. Shadis and he said you'll be taking one of Oluo's clients tomorrow along with your regular ones. Really sorry that I have to bring up work on your day off."

"Oh, it's fine, no worries." Hanji smiled.

Tired of their conversation I decided to speak up.

"Hello Petra." I mumbled, slightly unsure if she knew me.

"Oh, Levi? I didn't know you were with Hanji, what are you guys doing?"

"We're visiting Eren Jaeger at his school." I replied bluntly.


"Well, I'm wondering if his school life had anything to do with his issues, also Levi needs inspiration for his book!" Hanji stated. 

"Oh, I see."

"By the way Petra," I decided to help Hanji out a bit, since she was helping me. "I received two tickets to a movie and I don't really want to watch it, but I'd be happy to give them to you and Hanji."

"What?!" Hanji exclaimed. "I mean, how generous of you Levi but we couldn't really."

"No I insist. How about it Petra?"

"Well sure, why not?" she chuckled. "Well, I'll see you later bye!"

The line died and the radio returned to the Korean music.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Hanji yelled at me.

"So you can see if you like her or not."

"So, do you have tickets to a movie?"

"No, but I can get some before it shows."

The rest of the conversation was Hanji trying to sing along with the K-Pop, pronouncing every line wrong and probably offending every Korean speaking person in existence.


We arrived at the school, which was more complicated than I thought.There were multiple buildings surrounded by a tall gate.

"So this is, where Eren is." I stared at it, wondering if I had ever attended an area like this in this world.

"I think the reception is that way." Hanji pointed, we headed in that direction until we found an odd looking office with a few women making calls and checking computers.

"Excuse me?" Hanji coughed, grabbing the attention of  a young women with short black hair parted to the right side, and a small patch of freckles. She seemed familiar yet I couldn't place her in my mind.

"Hello, is there anything you-" she paused and stared at me. "Oh my gosh, you're Levi Ackerman!" I looked at her desk and noticed 'The Three Walls', along with other various titles with the author; Levi .R. Ackerman.

"Oh god don't tell me I'm famous." I mumbled, yet it was loud enough for Hanji to hear and chuckle lightly.

"I'm sorry, but I really like your books. What brings you here?"

"Inspiration." Hanji interrupted. "You see, I know a boy from this school and it felt less awkward."

"Oh, really? Just so you know, everyone is studying one of your books for their English classes."

"Well, maybe we could visit them?" Hanji asked.

"You'll have to ask the Principal. I could set a meeting for you if you'd like."

"As long as it doesn't take too long." I replied.

Which it did. The Principle had also been a fan of mine and continuously asked me questions, which I decided not to answer. By the time we had finished the first class had already began. Eventually we were able to convince him to visit the classes that the listed people were in. We'd at least get to question them. 

We heard someone talking in the Room 17 which was apparently the Regular English class taught by  Mr Hannes, I could remember Eren mentioning him a few times, about how he had always had a hangover but after what happened in Shiganshina he took his job more seriously. Without knocking I entered the classroom. Many students were stunned to see me as each had a book titled 'Underground Scavengers' also written by me. I scanned the area and saw a girl, similar in appearance to the Receptionist only her hair was brown and pulled behind and held back with a hair clasp. Her golden eyes narrowed when she saw me, which made me assume she was Ymir.

"Sorry to interrupt but. I'm Levi Ackerman and I heard you've been reading my book?" I said cooly, not looking at anyone in particular.

Mr. Hannes was shocked to see me.

"Mr. Ackerman, what a surprise, I wasn't expecting-"

"Well, I wasn't either, now please make this worth my time."

A rather tall boy with black hair raised his hand.

"Um, well we did have an assignment to create questions to ask you." he said cautiously.

"Yes, yes Bertholdt." Mr. Hannes agreed. "Everyone turn to your questions and I hope you don't mind answering them Mr. Ackerman."

"Not at all." I walked in completely, Hanji following close behind. Mr. Hannes offered me his chair whilst Hanji just went and sat in an empty desk, which caused her more than a few odd looks. Most of the questions were about the book whilst fans of my work in general asked a bit more about my life. As I answered each question, I started to remember what my life was in this world and my books.

"How did you come up with the character Breya?" 

She was inspired by my housemate Isabel.

"What influenced you to create a scene underneath the earth?"

I visited a coal mine once and admired how the earth underground formed.

I answered each question that was asked, without hesitation. 

"How did you come up with the Walls?" Ymir asked once it was her turn. "I mean, what were they keeping out?"

I took a moment to think about my answer. Ymir had given me the chance to question herself, Bertholdt and Reiner if they knew anything.

"Humanity's downfall, creatures of the unknown that could kill you in an instant just for pleasure."

"I see." Ymir smiled slightly. Reiner and Bertholdt didn't have any reaction so I assumed they were clueless. "How very interesting."

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