Monday 8th November

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Well I woke up on time which was 6:30am great then I got out of bed and walked to the bath then I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open the I heard water I heard singing it was my annoying little sister Brianna I started banging on the door saying
"Open this door Brianna Maxwell or God so help me I will break it down" I said shouting
"Okay! Okay! Calm Down Hulk!",She said trying to be funny
Then she opened the door which was good because I was shouting for long so I brushed my teeth the the water stopped Brianna Finished showering then she was like
"I'm coming out now close your eyes of face the wrath of princess sugar Plum" she said
So I closed my eyes and she came out and ran to her room and when she came out she wetted the bathroom but i wasn't bothered to call her so I just mopped up and had a quick bath and brushed my teeth and hopped out
I finally got dressed and went downstairs my mum was making breakfast and my dad was reading the news paper then my little sister was Making PBJ & P Sandwich (Peanut Butter jelly and pickle sandwich) which smelled horrendous I felt like to puke and my mum was like
"Good Morning Sunshine Did You get a good sleep and Do you want some breakfast", she said showing me pancakes and maple syrup
"Yeah I had a good sleep but I have to past breakfast because a I'm gonna be late Bye", I said running out taking a apple.

I finally reached school , then I saw Brandon while I was putting my book in my locker. He is so hunky and so mighty fine I could just jump into his arms but that would never happen then I saw Jessica she coming right up to me and gave me a hug we also have our lockers next to mine and so does Chloe I might need to talk to her also Brandon came up to me and said
"Hi Nikki and Jessica", he said waving
" Hi Brandon can I talk to you please in private", I said pulling him into a corner
"Sure so what do you want to talk about Nikki", He said looking surprised
"I was wondering if you would like to go to the Curfew ( it's like a party for teens)", I said
"One thing Chloe asked me to go with her but you can join us", he said looking down on the ground
"Sure What time", I said looking happy
"6:30pm me and Chloe will pick you up there and we can walk it from yours cause it's like 2 mins away", he said looking happy
"Sure See You Then, Bye", I said waving
I went back to my locker I saw Jessica standing there she was like what happened and I told her that I asked Brandon out and he was like sure so now me, Jessica and Brandon are all going out then Jessica was like
" Can I Come I want to see all the drama that happens", she said looking excited
"Sure you can be my wing girl", I said
"Thanks" she said
" Come to my house around 6:25pm and then we will all walk to the teens club", I said
"Okay let's get going", she said
Then the bell rang my schedule today was
1st period: Maths
2nd Period: Maths
3rd Period: Art
4th period: Science
5th period: Geography
6th Period: Spanish
Home Time
So today was boring just did classes and went home then I told my mum that I was going to the library (I was totally lying) with Jessica, Brandon and Chloe and she wanted to bring me but I said the library isn't far we will just walk it I was lying to my mum because if I said I was going to Curfew she wouldn't let me go and I said I would be back home before my bedtime ,which was 10:30pm, she was like okay so I got dressed and before I knew it I heard the door bell ring I looked at the time it was 6:25pm so I guessed it was Jessica and I opened the door it was her I told her to come in quickly and we want up stairs to look in the mirror I was wearing this cute pencil dress and I was wearing black high heels and I came down the stairs with Jessica we looked like super models coming down the run way then I heard the door bell ring it was Chloe and Brandon. Chloe looked nice but me and Jessica totally looked way better and Brandon was like
" Wow! Nikki You look beautiful" he said with his mouth wide open
then I steeped out the door and said
" Bye Mum Love Ya!" I said before closing the door

On the way there which was pretty quick Brandon kept on staring I'm my eyes and he gave me flowers and gave me a kiss on my cheek Jessica was so happy for me but Chloe looked as jealous as Selena Gomez when she saw Kendall and Justin Bieber together.

At Curfew
It was amazing me and Brandon danced and I kinda twerked on him and It was really fun  I saw a lot of people from my school even Mackenzie we had fun just partying and dancing with Brandon I wish the night would carry on but it was 11pm and the party finished and we headed home we brang Chloe home then Jessica then it was just me and Brandon he walked me to my door, He said "goodbye", And gave me a kiss on the cheek
Anywayss im going bed Night Diary x

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