The beginning

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School was just about to end, you couldn't contain your excitement, all you wanted was to get home and snuggle under your warm bed covers. But then the stupid ass teacher had to go and deal out the stupidest assignment ever, interview someone you look up to, luckily it was a group assignment, one person would recorded another would interview and the third would present. Sadly your group fled and left the work with you, running out happily as the school bell sung throughout the school yard. You sighed and scooped up the papers and all your pens shoving them in your (f\c) bag and heading out the door alone.

Muttering curses under your breath you watched as little specks of water fell from the sky, it was only raining lightly so you figured since you live close to the school you could make it home without being drenched. Dark clouds filled the sky and silent lightening lit them up like short bursting fireworks. Dragging your feet slowly down the school driveway you looked up to see you were all alone, you felt uneasy being alone yet it still seemed comfortable. Tangles of your (h\c) hair flicked around in the wind as you cut across the park on your way home.

Stupid friggen rain!

You thought huffing as you tripped over a tree root. You sat leaning against the tree as you noticed the fresh cut spilling blood down your thigh. The rain only got heavier as you took refuge under the thick tree leaves, now you felt really alone. You ran your hands through your hair before looking down at you phone to check the time.


If I'm not back by 3:30 mum's gonna go off at me...

You watched as time ticked by and the rain fall thickened which really annoyed you. Huffing you decided to look through your contacts to text your best friend (bf


You: hey...

Friend: sup gal?

You: stuck in the rain...

Friend: aw poor baby.

You: wud?

Friend: hanging with bae.

You: coolio, wanna come ova tonight?

Friend: soz baby can't bae's gonna take me out for dinner tonight

You: its cool should probably get going anyway, ttyl bub bye

With that you turned your phone off not waiting for a reply and dumped it in your bag. You got to your feet and brushed yourself off fixing up your clothes and tying your shoelaces up tight. The streets had grown darker and the air was thick and cool as wind flicked your (h\l) hair around whipping your eyes painfully. The rain had died down slightly and your house came into view, a sigh of relief escaped your lips. Thankful to be home you tapped a fist on the front door and waited for a minute before your gruff angry looking farther opened the door, his eyes softened seeing you.

" where the hell were you!? Your mother and I were worried sick!" He hissed gripping your arm and yanking you inside.

"Sorry dad the rain was just- and i- but then-!" You stuttered trying to explain yourself.

"Don't bother, as long as your okay then everything is fine... Don't ever worry us like that again!" He warned pulling a chair out at the table for both of you.

You thanked him and sat across from him with your head in your hands. He smiled proudly handing a small envelope to you.

"What's this?" You asked.

"Open it." He grinned.

You did as he said and tore the top open swiftly pulling out the many notes inside, there was at least $350 in here. You smiled up at him.

Ticci Toby X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now