Unholy Games

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Ben clasped his hands together happy with the result of his game finally loading, he turned to you with a sly grin.

"Malady." He said with a bow holding his hand out.

You were nervous, not sure what to think of it all and most of all
In wonder of where Toby was all that time. You decided to keep your hands to yourself.

"Don't make me hurt you babe." BEN smirked.

"Y-you really are s-such a fucking f-flirt... It really m-makes me sick." Someone growled from behind.

"Just because you don't have my glorious looks doesn't mean you gotta be jealous man." He replied.

You stiffened realising who it was. Toby's back...

God no... I need to get out of this place before it breaks me!

You thought inching towards the door. A rough hand gripped your wrist holding you in place.

"Y-you seem to have p-picked up a new h-habbit, it's getting h-harder and harder to k-keep you in that darn b-basement. I suppose if I j-just kill you now I w-wont have to worry about ch-checking up on you." He grinned.

You struggled as Toby with ease tugged you out of the room, not before BEN shot you a sad glance, one that almost seemed sympathetic, that was until he opened his mouth.

"Dude I was just about to kill her!" He complained.

Through the goggles you watched Toby roll his eyes before dragging you down the hall, past Jeff's room, he watched in awe, his little smile growing as he looked at your fearful expression. You made a 'help me' gesture with your lips and that sent Jeff laughing so hard he could barely breathe, all that hope summoned from before had just been drained. Tears welled up in your eyes knowing that your last breathes were growing ever so near. Suddenly Toby stopped but you hadn't realised and ended up causing a collision between the both of you, your face slamming into his chest as he turned to face you. He grunted and pulled his mouth guard down showing off both a nasty scar and an evil grin.

"I-in you go." He smirked shoving you into a room.

"What's this place?" You asked fighting tears.

"My r-room." He twitched proudly.

You looked around the bland room, nothing special about it, just a plain old boring ordinary looking room, a bed, some clutter on the floor, some drawers everything you'd expect to see in a teens room. Toby shut the door behind you and bells started to ring.

Holy fuck! He's gonna kill me! Should I fight back or something!? I've never done this before!

You turned to face Toby with what you hoped was a scary look but instead he laughed right in your face. Every ounce of light in your body fled at that moment, you knew that by now it was too late and the fact that he'd just laughed at you, in your face, well now you felt depressed and scared.

"What w-was that? You l-looked like a c-cross between a d-duck and a very scared m-monkey!" Toby laughed.

You felt your cheeks turn red and looked down at your feet, you were getting sick of the tormenting and just wanted this to be over with.

"Don't b-be like that I g-gotta say-"

"Don't say anything, if your gonna kill me just hurry up okay!" You shouted agitated.

Toby's face turned from sly to shocked in just a split second and that shocked you. You watched as he tried to hide it, it was ridiculously silly and you couldn't help but laugh in his face like he had you, his expression then turned cold.

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