Extra: Coming out

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Ahem! So um...me have no excuse for such a late update...I know I promised a long time ago to make this chapter but life was seriously not siding with me since then...so yeah...I just hope you guys will like this chapter... m(_ _)m 


Gray woke up to the bright sunrays, which were filtering through the window glass and across the crack that the curtains were forming, hitting right on his eyes and preventing him from sleeping any more. He knew it was futile to try and return to his previous state of slumber but he refused to give up the comfortable state he was in. He flipped around in bed as he tried to avoid the sunlight as much as possible. During his movement he found his way to another body that was lying next to him the whole time and one he came to love and appreciate during the years that have gone by.

Sliding his arms around the tan skinned boy that was occupying the mattress with him he pulled said boy to his chest causing the still sleeping teenager to tense and stir lightly in his hold. The ice mage tightened his hold as if to say that everything was alright, making the pink haired boy relax in his hold and start opening his eyelids slowly thus, revealing mesmerizing green orbs. Gray chuckled lightly at the cute sight and leaned closer to give a soft peck on his lover's forehead whose lips curved upwards in a sleep induced smile.

"Good morning sleeping beauty."

A grunt escaped Natsu's lips from what he was being called and playfully punched the other's shoulder in annoyance as he mumbled, "I'm not a sleeping beauty you ice stripper."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," Gray's voice was full of happiness and excitement. How can he not be when the love of his life is now engaged to him? Not only that but he and Natsu were planning on telling the guild about their involvement to each other today and that was nerve-wrecking but still exciting. Just thinking of it made the ice mage smile in anticipation. He got up from bed causing the covers to slide down and firmly held onto the fire mage's hands as he left the comfort of their mattress.

Natsu stared at his boyfriend-now fiancé- in amusement as he was pulled along to get ready for such an eventful day. Seeing the happiness emanating from the raven head, a smile so bright made its way on his lips as he went to share a warm bath with his ice mage. Yeah, he thought. That's just the way he liked it.


They were now standing in front of the huge oak wood doors of the guild while holding hands. Both of them were staring ahead, waiting for the other to take the first step. It might be true that they were feeling all giddy about coming out to their self-proclaimed family in the morning but now that it came to it, they were slightly frightened about being rejected. It was a scary thing for them. They did not want the people who took care of them during most of their lives to start hating them. Neither did they want from the only people they considered as family to stare at them with so much disgust and contempt. It was a frightening thought but knowing their loved ones, there was no way they would act that way. With these thoughts in their minds, they took a deep breath and each one of them pushed a door open as they took their first step towards a new future.


Standing in the guild hall, Natsu starred as his guild mates were acting like their usual selves. They were boisterous and noisy with a side-kick of laughter. They were causing such a ruckus that the pink head was sure that if the master was here he would have lost all of his hair from the money he would have to spend to rebuild the broken parts of the guild.

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