Extra: Wedding

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Hey there :) so I'm here sitting in my grandparents' house waiting for some really shitty news so I thought that maybe writing a new chapter would make me forget about everything bad in general so here you go guys ^^


In the past years he has known Lucy in, Natsu has always heard her say that one's wedding day is a day to always remember and never forget-etched forever in the deepest parts of the mind.

Later on, farther in the future, the fire mage would realize with a smile that her words were and always would be true.


It has been a very hectic day, full of movements and action. Girls were running all over the guild hall trying to organize things over and put everything in place (notably Erza, Lucy and Mirajane). Although they were closely followed by Wendy and Lisanna because they wanted to contribute on preparing such a happy and joyful day!

In the span of a week they transformed the boring hall of Fairy Tail's guild into a supreme and magnificent ballroom that was ready to greet a wedding ceremony. Everyone pitched in some way or another.

It was not every day that Fairy Tail had a wedding ceremony welcoming them so when such rare occasions occurred the whole guild would show their enthusiasm by helping with the preparations (even Cana who would be usually found dead drunk by this hour of the day was engaging herself in making sure that the food preparation was happening without any problems!)

Tables were placed in a way so that there could be some space for couples to dance latter during the night. They were enveloped by white pieces of cloths that were adorned by fine and small pieces of fake blue jewelry and plenty of glitter. Medium sized vases were placed in the center of each decorated table. Filled with various white and blue flowers, Lucy and Mirajane thought it would be a great idea to pour a small quantity of silver glitter inside the water of the flowers so that it could match the theme they chose for this special day.

They had all agreed after a lot of hesitation and reluctance to stick with winter and snow as a theme instead of fire. Not to mention that they had not regretted their choice after they saw the flash of affection that took place in their pink headed friend's eyes. He seemed to be satisfied with their decision and simply grinned when Lucy told him about her plans as he told her words that made her so happy.

"When I trusted you with the organization of the wedding and everything it wasn't so you take it upon yourself to come make sure that everything happening satisfies me. It was because I wanted you to do it and besides, I trust your judgments in these things way more than my own opinion! To me, as long as you don't force me in a dress I'm cool with anything you do. Like this I'll always remember it as something even more special since it was done by my closest friends for my happy future! Doesn't it sound more special like that?"

The blond celestial mage remembers hugging him tightly after he uttered that touching confession (in her opinion) and a warm smile played on her lips as she happily bounced towards the room that kept her best of friends.


Natsu was sitting inside a room that was on the second floor of the guild building. He was facing a mirror as he adjusted his unruly tie when he heard a knock on the wooden door.

"Natsu~ I'm coming in!"

"Sure thing Luce!" he yelled back.

He saw the door open in the reflection of the mirror to reveal a gorgeous blond and he grinned when he saw the smile that was stretching from ear to ear on her features and the happy sparkles on her eyes. He let go of his tie and turned around.

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