Chapter 9

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Next Morning

*alarm clock goes off*

"Ughhhh." I said reaching over to dismiss the alarm.

For some reason the alarm didn't wake Tate up. So, I had to lean over and wake him up myself.

"Whatttt?" he asked sounding groggy.

"Its time to get up we have school remember?" I replied.

"Oh, right. Great." he said sarcastically.

"Hey, goodmorning guys," my mom said as she walked through my door. "Tate, your mom brought over your clothes last night, but you were already sleeping, so here." she finished as she handed Tate his clothes.

"Thanks, Viviane." he replied back to her.

She just smiled and turned on my light making up close our eyes and groan. She just chuckled and left the room.

I got up and went over to dresser to find some clothes. I turn around and see Tate just sitting there staring at me.

"Arent you gonna get ready?" I asked him smiling.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to wake up a bit." he told me smiling back.

I just let out a small laugh and turned back around to my dresser. I found the clothes I wanted to wear. It was my Falling in Reverse; Ronnie Radke "Shhh" shirt with my black and white checkered designed type thing leggings. (great description I know I know xD)

Tate was starting to get up and grabbed his clothes. He said, "Be right back." as he walked out my room to go to the bathroom to get dressed. He left the door open so I walked over to shut it so I could get dressed also. After I put my clothes on I heard a knock at my bedroom door assuming it was Tate not wanting to barge in on me getting dressed.

"Come in." I shouted.

He walked through my door wearing black skinny jeans and a shirt that says, "All Monsters Are Human"

I stood up and said, "You look nice." with a smile.

"You do too." he said smiling back while walking closer to me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I smiled up at him then turning around. As I was turning around I said, "I need to do my hair now."

I sat down and started brushing and straightening my hair. Tate asked for my brush to use so I gave it to him for him to use.

It was now less than ten minutes till 7:00, when the bus comes, so we started walking downstairs. When we were down the stairs I picked up my bag off of the end of the railing and put it on my shoulder. Tate for some reason didn't have a book bag. We grabbed our shoes and went into the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, and Tate." she said while getting out a granola bar.

"Hey" I said. Tate said the same.

"So, Paris, I'm gonna head to my new job, have a fun day at school." She said while walking out the door eating the granola bar.

When she was completely out of the door, I said to Tate, "Yeah, like I'm gonna have a fun day at hell, haha funny."

"Youll be fine." he said.

"Ugh, I just wish I didn't have to go." I said as I started to shake a little bit.

"Don't worry, Paris, you will  be fine. I will be there to protect you. I will show you around and make sure you don't get lost." he told me holding my hand while stroking his thumb up and down mine.

I smiled and gave him a hug. He held me so tight. He really did make me feel safe.

I glanced at the clock and it was 6:57.

"Hey, Tate, we have to go. Three minutes till 7." I told him.

"Alright, lets go." he said.

We started walking out the door and out into the morning air. Shortly after we arrived at the bus stop and it was 7:00. The bus was a little late. I was so nervous to get on the bus that brings me to hell.

A minute later the bus arrives and Tate goes first to get on. He sits in second to last seat and gestures me to sit with him. I was gonna end up sitting with him anyway whether he gestured me or not. I was kind of staring in space with wide eyes  so he grabs my hand and told me it was gonna be okay.

We held hands for the whole way to school as well as getting off of the bus and walking into the cafeteria for announcements. As we walked in holding hands, a lot of people stared at us and I think I might have heard of what sounded like a jock say, "Get it Tate!" which made me feel very uncomfortable. Tate made it better by putting up the middle finger.

We sat down at a table where there weren't many people there. We didn't really pay attention to the announcements. He said he never does. When the bell rang, he brought me to the office so I could get my schedule hoping it was atleast somewhat similar to tates. Whenever I got my schedule Tate looked it over to see how many classes we have together.

"Great news, we have most of the same classes." he said smiling.

I have never felt more relieved in my life.

The first class I had was art. I love art class, its my favorite. But, sadly, Tate and I didn't have that class together.

"Ill walk you to class come on." he said grabbing my hand and gently pulling me so I follow him.

Whenever we got to the art room, he brought me inside.

"Can, I help you, Tate?" the art teacher asked putting down her artists pallet.

"She's new and this is her first class I just brought her here." he told her.

"Oh alright thank you Tate," she told him. "Whats your name sweetie?" she asked me.

"Um.. Paris." I replied nervously.

"After my class ill come back here to show you to your next one. So don't leave till I get here." Tate whispered to me. I nodded and he walked out the door.

"Alright, I'm Miss Montel by the way. So, Paris, you can have a seat next to Peyton." she said pointing to her.

Miss. Montel continued with her class and Peyton and I actually became pretty good friends.

The rest of the day was boring. Tate waited outside of my class for me like he said he would. I had my 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th period classes with him. Peyton was in every one of classes except for 9th period.

Whenever we got on the bus and drove home, Tate came home with me bc I told him I needed help with my homework. And he did so. He went home after and hour or two and we texted the rest of the night.

*Text messaging*

Tate: ill be over tmrw morning okay?

Paris: okay see you then

Tate: okay. I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight beautiful I love you <3

Paris: Goodnight I love you <3

*locks phone*

I crawled under my blankets and instanty fell asleep I was so tired.

A/N: this is my longest chapter yet I have over 1.2k words and I'm shocked. thanks to whoever is reading this fanfic and enjoying it. please vote and comment <3

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