Sollux fell to his knees and cried into the side of Dave's hospital bed as weakly reached out a hand to rub solluxs head but dave felt the pain it hurt like a bitch and he pulled it back he was attached to 2 different IV'S he had stitches all along his arms and a few around his ankles but his one arm completely useless to use.
"Captor I'm sorry" he said very weakly but it came out how he wished in full speach. Sollux just looked up at dave his eyes full of yellow tears "2triider h-how do you feel?" Dave just chuckles "hurts like a fucking bitch but other then that I'm fine." Sollux calmed down hearing that hurts held dave a bit as he sat up "Ii'm ju2t glad your aliive" these words suprised dave but he weakly hugged him back "and I'm glad your here captor." Sollux smiled as he said those words he loved dave he should tell him today "2triider ii love you." Dave was glad to hear those words of the one he loved "I love you too."