Is There Not a Tomorrow?

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It gets better,

she thought,

as the tears streamed down her face.

It gets better, 

she thought, 

as her wrist went numb.

It gets better, 

she cried, 

in spite of the smile,

hiding how she really felt.

everyone always says that it'll get better, 

but how could she believe them, 

when all she'd ever felt was the pain.

smiles for tears,

that rolled down her cheeks,

telling everyone she was fine.

laughs for the pain, 

she felt everyday, 

just pretending,

pretending she was okay.

all it ever was, 

was an act, 

a fearful protection of the truth, 

she just didn't want anyone, 

feeling the pain she felt, 

so she hid it deep inside herself,

 but even then it snuck out.

It gets better,

 she wrote,

 in the note,

 that she gave to her family and friends, 

just before, 

she took her last breath away, 

and never spoke to them again. 

her lost hope made her fragile, 

made her weak,

even though she was stronger,

stronger than anyone could see,

but still she lost it all, everything.


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