Human grillby x reader

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❗️❗️(You and Grillby have been dating for a little over three years now just so you know, you work near him but you always go in to hang out with him once your shift ends)❗️❗️

⚠️⚠️Graphic, and he is dominating things will happen quickly because he's always wanting to do things to you. Swearing and the word cock is used more than once!!!!!⚠️⚠️

I sat by the bar, kicking my legs back and forth while waiting for grillby. I scrolled through my phone and liked a few pictures i found interesting.

"Hey there, kid," i heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Sans. "Oh, hey Sans, what are you doing here?" "On break," "it's only been an hour and i've seen you here six times already,"

He chuckled slightly "business is stressful," he says. "Like you'd know how to run a business," a voice said behind me. I turned around and locked eyes with Grillby as he put a plate of food down.

"Here you go babe, the usual," he finishes as he puts down a milkshake next to my food.

I smiled and thanked him as he spoke to sans about what it is to really work. I sat quietly and ate my food as sans left to go back to work, for probably only ten minutes.

Grillby shook his head and chuckled as he got back to work. After i finished my food i started to drink my milkshake. Without warning a tall, overweight man walked up to me and started to flirt.

"Oh great.." I thought to myself. He looked very intimidating and i didn't want to be rude. I smiled politely and he drew closer.

"So how's about we get out of here and go to my place?" He asked. I shook my head and denied his offer. That's when he took it too far and grabbed my wrist "you're coming with me whether you like it or not," he tells me.

With him so close to my face i finally noticed the smell of alcohol on his breath. "Let me go!" I yelled. The guys he came here with were cheering at him.

"If you don't want your ass kicked, i'd advise you to leave the young lady alone," i heard someone say. I looked around and saw Grillby, with his arms crossed and looking very pissed.

He angrily let go of my arm and looked at me. "I'll leave her alone when she gives me a kiss," he smirks as he brings his face uncomfortably close to mine. Out of the corner of my eye i saw grillby walking quickly to him, and in the blink of an eye the guy was on the floor.

Grillby knocked the man down with just one punch. Grillby then pushed up his glasses and fixed his tie. "I don't want to see you, or your friends here again."

He man stumbled to his feet with the help of his friends and they angrily left.

I finally had a breath of relief and thanked grillby. "No problem (Y/N), I don't like to see men doing those kinds of things to women."

I stayed with Grillby till it was closing time. I helped him clean and put up chairs. "Thanks for your help," he tells me as he puts a clean glass under the bar. "It's the least i can do my love," i happily tell him.

"Hey Grillby?" I asked as i wiped down a table. "Yes?" He asks. "Do you think we could hang out together once you finish closing up?"

"Sure (Y/N), we can do something once I finish cleaning." He tells me

I smiled to myself for a moment and helped him close up. "You go home, i'll be there soon once i change and get some stuff." 

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