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Previously on Bittersweet Memories...

"But I'm a cute idiot"Kaito made a smug look on his face making you think hes anything but cute.

"Totally"You rolled your eyes before smirking and going into a running stance.

"Ready?Lets go before su-"Having a hard time finishing your sentence. You felt a small prick on the back of your neck.....then everything went black.


A throbbing pain was all you felt as you laid on the cold concrete floor. Slowly sitting up and failing more than twice, you supported yourself against the wall as your (e/c) eyes scanned the dimly lit room. Opening your mouth, you tried to say something only to find that your throat felt dry like a desert. Wincing at the sudden pain on your left calf. Grabbing a hold of it, it felt like a burning sensation, almost unbearable to ignore.

"I-Is anyone *Cough* h-here?"You managed to croak out. Carefully listening for a response back, you were disappointed to find that no one was around or had heard your weak call.

"K-Kait *Cough* Kaito!"You called out for your blue haired male to get no response back. The burn was slowly getting stronger weakening you each moment. You knew that it would be in a matter of minutes before you passed out again. Letting exhausting take your over, your body slumped against the brick wall behind you. For the second time that day, everything went pitch black.


(Kaito's POV)

"Where the hell is (Y/n)?"I leaned against the 50 meter wall protecting us from the titans.

"Did she get lost?....no that's impossible she told me she's done this run millions of times before"I kicked a small pebble to the other side waiting for my childhood friend. When (Y/n) helped me off the ground and began our race once again, I bolted off the moment I heard her start to talk thinking that I'll gain distance between me and her.

Deciding that I didn't want to wait for any longer, I decided to go back and search for my (h/c) haired cru-friend.

"(Y/n)!!!!!(Y/n)!!!!!!Where are you????!!!?????"I ran around the woods trying to locate (Y/n). Going back to where we stopped for a 'break' I noticed something shiny on the ground, beside it was a folded piece of paper. Picking it up my eyes went wide, the one that shined a beautiful (birthstone) colour was (Y/n)'s necklace, the one her father gave her.

"Maybe she dropped it...."A sinking feeling came over me as I tried to reassure myself that (Y/n) was safe. Remembering the folded piece of paper that I held on my left hand. I opened it, my eyes turning cold in fear and anger.

Stole your princess, your next prince



(Survey Corps HQ, Squad Leader(including Eren and Kaito)Meeting)

'I'm going to kill him'

The same thought ran across the males *Cough Levi cough Eren* head when they heard of the news about (Y/n)'s kidnapping.

"Do you think she being held captive at Vaughn's base?"Erwin asked Kaito seriously. He was worried for (Y/n). Seeing her like a little sister, Erwin would be devastated if something bad had happened to her...again.

"I don't think so, that place was overrun by Titans the last time we went there"

"So where do you think that brat is holding captive the brat?"Levi tried to stay calm but everyone could see that he was stressing, itching to skin Vaughn alive for kidnapping HIS (Y/n).

"I only know one place where Vaughn could take (Y/n)"

"And where would that be?"Eren's turquoise eyes flared in anger and sadness.


Bittersweet Memories (Eren x Reader x Levi)(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now