Fucking Hell If You Ask Me

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(Thats what Vaughn look like btw)


Mikasa zipped around the place while you ran. After transforming(painfully you might add)into your werewolf form. The two of you began the search of Vaughn.

"The fuck, this is where Vaughn, Isabel and Farlan was"You cringed at the pain jabbing your side. Biting your bottom lip roughly, you ignored it to the best of your ability.

"Who's Isabel?Farlan?"Mikasa asked you.

"They saved me from Vaughn"You inspected the crime scene. Vaughn couldn't have gotten far.

"Come on we better get going, I wanna find that son of a bitch and beat hi-"

"Mikasa!(Y/N)!"Rapid footsteps got closer to you. You turned around and was immediately engulfed in a hug.

"E-Eh?"You blinked shocked. You saw a flock of messy blue hair and an stupid smile. Kaito.

"Hi bitch"He frowned at you.

"Watch your profanity woman, you get kidnapped and the first thing you say to me is 'Hi bitch'???"You grinned pushing his face away from yours. Behind Kaito was Eren and Levi who didn't look too happy with what they just saw.

"Uhm....hey guys?"You waved with an unsure smile. Eren sighed and walked over to you. Giving you a tight hug.

"What up with the ears and tail?"He put his head on top of yours.

"A story to tell later"You mumbled in his chest. You felt Eren nod.

'Finally back in my arms...'Eren thought, you awkwardly shifted in his grasp but eventually melted into it. Before you could wrap your arms around him, he was pulled away.

"A-Ah!W-What the hell!"Eren yelped falling butt first to the ground. Levi stood in front of you and just stared at you after pulling Eren away.

A ghost smile on his lips. He nodded his head as if to say that he was glad to see you. You just grinned.

"Where is Vaughn?"He cut the semi-sweet moment in half. You frowned.

"He escaped, and I think he kidnapped two more victims"Levi raised a brow. Everyone gathered around.

"Isabel and Farlan"You said nonchalantly. The older male froze i front of you. Isabel...Farlan...No way.

"Where did you hear those name!?!?!?!"He roughly grabbed your shoulder making you wince in pain.

"They said their names were Isabel and Fa-"

"LIES"He yelled eyes blazing with fire. You flinched never seeing this side of Levi till now. Everyone stared at the scene in front of them with shock and confusion.

"C-Captain calm down"Kaito tried placing his hand on the enraged man but he just shook him off. His grey stormy eyes only focusing on you.

"I...I'm not lying!"You yelled trying to push him off. He was scaring you. Levi wouldn't allow it and instead tightened his hold on you.

"Stop.It.STOP."Fidgeting under his grasp. Your eyes widen in anger and sadness. Multiple arms pulled Levi away from you. Your shoulders tensing up in pain.

"I'M NOT LYING YOU SICK FUCK, find Vaughn and see for yourself"Eyes glazing over. The pain on your side was getting worse. Now adding onto your multiple injuries. Your shoulders ached like there was millions on needles poking you.

"Fucking hell"You spat walking over to somewhere to sit.

Levi stared at his hands in anger. What the fuck did he just do, he hurt the girl he loved.

Bittersweet Memories (Eren x Reader x Levi)(Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now