Chapter 3

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I didn't sleep after that. Why would Harika wanna kill me. It doesn't make sense. That morning I left early. I didn't wait for Harika. I just wanted to make it to school, before she caught me.
I was at my desk when Miss Fugio walked in.
"Oh Kenji, your early. Class doesn't start for another half hour." She said smiling.
"I wanted to help you prepare the classroom. You do so much for us. I decided to return the favor." I said grabbing some papers.
"Well, thank you Kenji. It's nice to have some help every once in awhile." She said handing me more papers. I began putting them were they went. When the door swung open. I didn't look. I knew who it was.
"Ah Olsa, come on in. You may take your seat. Kenji decided to help out today." Miss Fugio called from her desk. Olsa took her seat. Olsa always help prepare the classroom in the mornings. I was lucky enough to get ahead of her. I had the papers where they went with five minutes to spare. People started to show up. Though one never did. Harika never came that day. I was relieved.
I talked with Shiann till class started.
"Where's Harika?" She asked me.
"I don't know actually." I responded. I didn't. I was happy I didn't. The day went by slowly without Harika. She usually made it fun. Though I'd had my fill for the past few days.
I left the school in a hurry. I didn't want any more questions about Harika. I turned the corner, and by the oak tree stood Haricka. I slowed my pace to a halt. She didn't move nor speak. I tried to turn around and find another way home. Then her voice came loud and clear.
"Kenji....where were you? I waited for you. I didn't move from this spot." She said holding back tears.
"I wanted to help Miss Fugio with preparing the class-" She cut me off.
"Liar...liar....liar." She whispered.
"I'm sorry, Harika I didn't catch that." I said trying to sound as sweet as possible. Tears rolled down her face. I could tell as she turned to me.
"LIAR!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. I froze. I had never seen nor heard this side of her. Her eyes had changed. They were a deeper purplish color. She breathed heavily. She walked my way. I was frozen with fear.
"We can still walk home together. Right Kenji?" She said glaring at me with those purple eyes.
"Sure, Harika. Whatever you want." I said scared of what she may do to me if I declined.
"Yay!!" She yelled smiling. Her eyes were back to blue. She locked arms with me. She walked all the way back home with me.
"Well, night Harika." I said unlocking my door.
"Night Kenji. See you tomorrow!" She called back, before I closed the door. I turned the deadbolt and locked my door. I closed all the windows as well. I saw there was a message on the answering machine.
"Yes, mom will be home soon." I called out. I hit the button. Though what I heard could've killed me instead of a razor in my food.
"Hey, Kenji. I've been asked to stay longer. Maybe five days. Sorry sweetheart. I'll make sure to get back as soon as possible. Love you, byeee!" Mom's voice was clear of what had happened. I replayed the message multiple times in disbelief. I'll be here another five days alone. With Harika.
I walked upstairs went into my room and crashed. I was so tired from all the excitement. I couldn't take it. When I awoke, I walked down stairs and into the kitchen. On the counter was a warm plate of food. "For Kenji" was written on a note not fat away. Last time, I ate food that said Kenji on it I almost died. I instead fixed cereal and was off.
Outside was a little chilly. I grabbed my jacket. I decided to ride my bike. I walked to the garage. As I was fiddling with the combination lock I heard a rumbling noise. I looked up and barely dodged a tumbling shelf. My dad's entire old tool set was up there. Though only the screwdrivers fell. Sharp end downwards.
I decided that riding my bike was not the best idea. I grabbed a hammer from a tool box nearby. If Harika tries anything.
As I walked Shiann appeared from around the corner. I thought maybe if Shiann is with me, I might be safer. Though my heart sank as Harika followed suit from around the corner. I stopped. Shiann spotted me and waved. I waved back, and fear engulfed me again as I walked towards them.
We arrived at school together. I walked in and put my bag up. At lunch I grabbed the hammer and put it in my pocket. As I ate alone I felt like I was being watched. From the woods, Harika stood. Only one feature was definable that she wasn't normal. Her purple eyes that were pointed my direction. I kept my distance.
When school ended, I left before everyone. As I walked I heard footsteps. I hid behind a tree. Harika came into view.
"Stop following me!" I shouted stepping out from behind the tree.
"I live this way too." She said in a whisper.
"Then walk ahead of me. I'll follow once your out of sight." I shouted.
She walked ahead of me some, then stopped and spoke.
"Why do you carry that hammer. Kenji that's what I want to know. It's not even yours" She said in a new tone, then the last time she spoke.
"How did... you know that." I stuttered.
"The last boy here acted the same way as you." ,she turned around, "Only he moved. You won't move Kenji. I know you won't." She giggled like her normal self and ran home. I fell to my knees. I stayed there for awhile. I got up and walked home. I reached my house five minutes later. I unlocked it, then walked in. A lone figure stood at the top of my steps.
"You won't move Kenji. I know you won't." The figure said before going into my room. The only defining characteristic was the red eyes. I ran into my room. Only thing different was my open window.

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