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Wolfstar sat in his den, the faint scent of moss wafting through the air. He waited, until a pale brown she-cat poked her head in, her blue eyes glimmering in the soft light. "He's here" She said. Wolfstar turned and stood up. "Follow me Sandwing." He padded out of the den, and leapt onto the Highrock. Sandwing joined the crowd of cats who had gathered around the Highrock, eyes glimmering with curiousity. A dark grey tom trudged into the camp, his amber eyes gleaming. "Hello Wolfstar." Spat the tom. "You wanted me?" Wolfstar narrowed his eyes. "We beat you and your little group of loners before. We are strong now Blazestreak. We can beat you now." Wolfstar let out a furious yowl. "Your reign of terror is over! You killed my mother! You killed Thunderclan cats!" Wolfstar lunged at Blazestreak, who had already crouched down defensively. Wolfstar raked his claws through Blazestreak's ears. Blazestreak hissed in pain "I was your mentor Wolfstar! I know your every move!" Wolfstar smirked. "Or do you." Shocked, Blazestreak widened his eye and Wolfstar dive under him, clawing his belly. Before Blazestreak could slam his paws down on Wolfstar's head, he had leapt onto Blazestreak's back, swiping at his flank. Blazestreak threw him off, snarling. He lunged at Wolfstar's throat, claws outstretched. Wolfstar tried to dodge it but he failed, receiving the blow hard. Both cats retreated and stood their ground, exchanging glances of anger. Then Blazestreak lunged. But Wolfstar was ready. He lashed out with his claws. They sliced through Blazestreak's throat, making him twist in midair. He fell and lay there, on the ground, helpless. The slice from his throat was outlined with crimson. His eyes were glazed. Wolfstar narrowed his eyes. "Your reign of blood and fire is over." He turned and padded back to his den. The Thunderclan cats scattered. Some gathered around a black tabby, asking about patrols. Crystalsong padded towards the leader's den, her mouth full of herbs. Her apprentice, Dapplepaw padded towards the body of Blazestreak. Her brother, Duskfur, had dashed towards the black tabby. " Nightstripe, can I take Brackenwing, Flamepelt and Stagpaw on a border patrol?" Dapplepaw watched her brother dash away, but something moved on the corner of her eye. A dark shadow was hovering above the body. Suddenly, Blazestreak stood up, his fur darker then usual. Shocked, Dapplepaw prepared to let out a yowl of terror, but stopped when she saw Blazestreak's body still on the ground, his fur still soaked with blood. "He's going to The Dark Forest." Then Blazestreak narrowed his eyes at Dapplepaw and dissapeared. Suddenly, a pale grey tom appeared. It wasn't Blazestreak. She whispered. "Scorchfur." A voice was carried by the wind. "The fire may have been extinguished, but sparks still fly. A shadow will be cast over the clans! The only thing that can stop it is a storm, filling the forest with a silver mist. When the storm strikes, all will be fulfilled!" Scorchfur disappeared. But a voice sounded in her head. "I will be back for vengeance. Then Thunderclan will be gone. I will never fail now...I will fight. And there is nothing you can do to stop me..."


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