Chapter 21 (Blazestreak)

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The scent of mouse hit my nose like a hard blow. I smiled. The soft crunch of leaves made the mouse turn, and see Wolfpaw, who was sitting behind me, tail twitching in shock. It squeaked, and ran. I let out a hiss of annoyance, before bolting after the mouse, successfully catching up with it, snapping it's neck. I sat up. Why had Wolfpaw done that? Wolfpaw instantly flattened his ears, noticing my stern gaze. I dropped the mouse and snapped. "Why did you do that?!" He lowered his head, shameful. Good. He knew my strength. "I-I'm sorry, I only wanted to get a better look." I pushed the limp mouse towards. "There. Have a look." I hissed. I continued to pad through the forest. Wolfpaw was sent back, to retrieve his thrush and rabbit, and my two mice, and take them to camp. The smooth stone under my paws made me want to lie down, but I couldn't. I heard pawsteps, and then I saw a brown tabby shape. I dipped my head. The scent of fish hit my nose. "Sorry. I just went hunting." "Sure thing fishface" Reedtail chuckled. "We meet again mouse-brain." I stood my ground, fur bristling. Reedtail sat down, and licked a paw. "Remember what happened last night?" I paused. Then the memories came back. Reedtail and I fighting, Pebbledash and Redscar watching in approval. The truce, the plan. I nodded. "So, do you have an apprentice?" I asked. He nodded. "Her name is Rosepaw. She doesn't have much potential, but, she listens." I nodded. "My apprentice, Wolfpaw, has potential, his sister is a medicine cat, but he never listens." A yowl from behind Reedtail made him snap. "I have to leave. It's about Sandstar." "Is she ok?" "She's dying." I nodded and ran off back to camp.

"I had a great mentor." Thornfang smiled. "May all those old enough to hunt gather around me!" I looked up at the Highrock. Lionstar sat there, eyes shining. I dropped the plump rabbit at the fresh-kill pile and padded over to Thornfang and Hawkpelt. "Thunderclan is growing, along with new kits and apprentices, there will be new warriors!" He looked at Sharppaw. "Sharppaw. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan? Even at the cost of your life?" Sharppaw nodded. "I do." "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Sharppaw, from this moment you will be known as Sharpfire. Starclan honours your determination and initiative." Memories of the dog attack flowed into my mind. Swanpaw,Thistlepaw and Nightpaw became Swanshadow, Thistlepelt and Nightstripe. Their names were yowled into the sky. I paused, then yowled along with them. The clan did need more warriors. I remembered what Redscar had told me.

"A true warrior kills for their clan. They show no mercy for others, and they are bound to the warrior code. They must have potential, and ambition to help them. They don't talk for peace, they fight for victory. A true warrior must have a rank of power. They must be feared by not only other clan cats, but their clanmates, and other cats too. They know every battle-move by heart, and they must never fail. That completes everything. You, are a true warrior Blazestreak. Now go, and destroy your enemies...."

(Your cats are mentioned! splashywave98  Animal_Kiss Swanshadow . I love Redscar's quote....THE DARK FOREST NEEDS THAT. Also, Shout-out to Hollyleaflover101 for checking a mistake.)

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