24 // I Can't Go to Taco Bell, I'm on an All-Carb Diet, God!

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SOMEHOW I'd found myself standing in front of the change room with a heap of clothing in my arms, all of Reese's pickings, with only one lacy dress that I managed to swipe at last minute in between. There were a lot of patterns and a lot of textures and terrifyingly a lot of cut-outs from what little I was able to see before he'd thrust them into my arms, and when he pushed me into the change room with a grin that looked devilish at best, I swallowed.

I was pretty sure Reese thought getting Tyler's attention meant a lot of side-boob and a lot of side-boob was not something I, admittedly, was too familiar with.

Rummaging through the fabric, I slowly lifted a stray string in bewilderment to find it was attached to very, excrutiatingly little fabric. "Hey Reese, I think you forgot the rest of the dress, here."

"I think you forgot that you can't have any opinions from here on out. Put the dress on."

I scrunched my nose. "Feminism has come so far for us."

"Sounds like opinions are happening! Less talking, more dressing!" Reese called from outside the door.

"You don't have to put on anything you're not comfortable with," Tyler reassured me, and I snorted under my breath, practically feeling the eyeroll that I knew Reese was doing next to him.

With a deep, begrudging breath, I managed to slide myself into the very, very breathable navy blue dress, with spaghetti straps, threatening side cut-outs, an exposed back and the length that would probably fit a toddler. Maybe a small child. Definitely not a seventeen year old.

I huffed, giving myself a once over in the mirror. "I look like a baby prostitute."

"That sounds like you've put it on, come out! Come out!"

A groan climbed up my throat. At least I'd shaved my legs, if anything.

With every muscle in my body protesting, and an uncomfortable breeze touching my skin in more places than I would've liked, I peeked my head out to see Reese and Tyler waiting patiently for me. Or in Reese's case, not so patiently, as he shot up and bounded up next to me, a disturbing glint in his eyes.

"All right, let's see!"

I cleared me throat, making a sweeping arm gesture to my body, still hidden behind the door. "Voilà. Please, try not to swoon."

He shot me a deadpan look and pulled my arm, causing me to stumble out, unfortunately. Immediately I felt way too exposed to be out in public, even changing room public, and especially in front of Tyler public.

This was a terrible idea.

Reese's eyes widened. "Yes."

I squirmed, crossing my arms over my chest, if only to keep anything from spilling out. "No."


My jaw clenched. "No."

"She should wear whatever makes her comfortable," Tyler interjected, our eyes locking in camaraderie as he nodded at me, which I was incredibly thankful for.

I grinned, pointing over to him. "See! See! Tyler says it's okay!"

"Aw, c'mon," Reese said, coming up behind me, his hands hovering dangerously close to my body. "Isn't it nicer when she accentuates her assets?"

When his waved towards my chest, I gasped, immediately jumping away from with my arms poised defensively in front of me. "What are you doing!?"

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