Chapter Three

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Once we retreat to Wall Maria, Josef sets me down but I struggle to keep my balance and stumble. The world around me spins, even though I'm standing still. My head aches from the number of tears that were expelled from my eyes; even now, stray tears stream down my cheeks.

"Can you stand straight?" Josef bends down to my eye level and asks. Tear marks are seen on his face, but he tries to wear a mask to conceal his grief. I nod silently and he stands straight. I must go back and join the Survey Corps. They need all the help they can get to reclaim the wall." Before he can go, I grab his hand to prevent him from leaving.

"Please don't leave..." I whisper, staring down at the floor. My yellow dress is stained with my mother's blood and dirt and my cream shoes are tattered from the running.

Josef sighs and pries my hand from his arm. "Believe me, Rose, I don't want to leave you. But, I have to get our home back. Don't worry, I'll come back for you," He reassures me and runs off into the invaded city.

• • •

On the boat, as many citizens from the Shiganshina district are packed tightly like sardines in a can. I tuck my knees in towards my chest to conserve space and bury my face into my lap, feeling the waterworks about to start again now that I'm truly alone.

"Miss... Are you feeling alright?" A soft voice speaks up. I lift my head and a blonde boy my age sits in front of me.

I wipe my tears away. "I want to say yes, but I'm not..."

"That's okay, it's a difficult time right now so I understand. But the Survey Corps will reclaim the city, I'm sure of it!" The boy encourages me.

I sniffle and smile. "You think so too? You think we'll be okay?"

"Yes, it's all I can do for now anyway. My name's Armin, what's your name?"

"I'm Rose; Rose Wesler." We shake each other's hands, becoming fully acquainted with one another. Just then, two kids, the same age as we are, walk up to us accompanied by a member of the Garrison Regiment.

"Take care of them, Arlert, they're going through a lot right now." Armin nods in response and the soldier leaves, leaving the two in our care. Looking closely at the duo, I suddenly recall their faces. The boy with the enchanting eyes and warm touch, and the girl whose raven hair shone in the sun.

"Eren, Mikasa, this is Rose, I just met her today," Armin introduces me.

I rise to my feet and extend my hand out to them, breathing in to compose myself. "It's nice to meet you, Eren and Mikasa."

"How am I saying this so casually like we're not on the brink of falling?"

Eren's head hangs low still, his eyes widened and pupils dilated in lasting shock. My hand retreats from his direction and I then shake Mikasa's hand. "Yes, pleased to make your acquaintance,"

"She's gone..." Eren finally whispers. We all look to him and his fists tighten, his veins on his arm becoming visible. "They took her..."

"Y...You mean your-" Armin begins and Mikasa intercepts by nodding, I guess to avoid Eren from becoming more enraged.

His eyes dart up, now rid of the fear he once felt and now filled with fury. His eyebrows furrow, creasing his forehead and tears run down from his eyes. He treads towards the end of the boat, gripping onto the rail and staring off to the broken walls. "I'll rid of them all!" He shouts through his gritted teeth. "Every last one of them on this earth!"

Shock then strikes me; although I've only known him for a few moments, the boy who seemed so soft and caring has a completely different side to him that I never expected. His proclamation instills confidence in me as well. I look up to the sky and furrow my eyebrows.

"Mother, father, and Raeger... I'll fight for however long my body will let me. I'll accomplish what you wished for in this world."

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