Keisha and Walter

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*On the boy's tour bus*

All of the boys were asleep, since it was 2:00 am and the only people awake were Keisha, Walter, and the bus driver. 

Walter- Did it work?

Keisha- Huh?

Walter- The plan!

Keisha- Oh! Well, I think partically worked. I mean, those girls are hella scared and they don't know what to do!

Walter- Good! That's all we need right now. Im so happy we came up with the idea of telling Bahja to tell those girls to mob the stage. Everyone loves Bahja, so of course they would listen!

Keisha- Yeah! I mean... I do feel a little bad for them and the boys tho.

Walter- Keisha! We HAVE to get rid of those girls so that the boys can focus! You saw how bad it was! They think we allow the relationships, but we dont. 

Keisha- I guess you're right. 

Walter- Of course. Oh, and pull up Twitter to see what TM said about Bahja's tweet!

Keisha- *pulls out iPhone* Let's see... 

"Wow Bahja that's low af"

"Aye! Finally we got someone on our side"


It's like mixed emotions Walt... I just- OMG!

Walter- Shh! You'll wake the boys! And what??

Keisha- Kiloni tweeted that her, Layla, Maya, and Kylie are headed to Atl for a couple of months! Walt... what if they are meeting up with the OMG Girlz?!

Walter- Keisha! You don't know what they are doing! And come on! Kiloni lives there! I'm sure they are just staying with her!

Keisha- Yeah, maybe I'm just over reacting.... I just hope they all just break up already, so the boys can focus again and rebuild that connection they had with their fans. 

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