Chapter 3

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Camila couldn't keep her eyes off of the picture all through class. That was until they teacher called out to get the students attention.

"Okay, everyone. I know we don't usually do this but thought we would try something new. I want each of you to team up! Don't worry, I will be picking who will be with who," she smiled. "I have a paper up here on my desk with the names. You can read them after class. The project is to use one another as a muse."

Camila wasn't excited. She hated group projects. She always ended up being paired with someone she didn't want to be with. She could hear the whole class groan and moan.

"Come on now! You'll get to know each other. It will be fun. You have a week, my children."

Once the bell rang, Camila sauntered over to the desk to read over the paper of names. Her eyes widened when she noticed the name beside hers. Of course. Of course, she was paired with Lauren Jauregui. What were the odds..

She felt an arm brush up against hers and to her surprise, it was Lauren. "You're my partner?"

Camila rolled her eyes and started toward the door. That's what the paper said, wasn't it? She scoffed, wrapping her fingers around the straps on her bag.

"Camila, wait," Lauren said softly, coming up beside her. "Do you want to start today? The sooner we start the quicker it's over."

Lauren didn't want it to be over quickly, but she wanted to spend time with and get to know the small brunette as soon as she could. This was God sent. She couldn't believe this was who her teacher had paired her up with.

"You can come over to my house or we could go to-"

Camila cut her off quickly. "We can go to my house."

"Okay, great." Lauren nodded.

Camila didn't want to step foot in Lauren's house. There was no telling what went on there. With all the girls and parties that happened over there. Well, maybe not parties but for all she knew, it could be true.

"Do you drive?"

Camila shook her head. "No, I don't have my license. I usually just walk."

Lauren nodded and scratched her neck nervously. Her eyes scanning the halls. "Well, I drive. I can drive us over there."

Camila didn't answer. She kept walking. Rather quickly. She didn't want to be seen with Lauren by her side. Especially with all of the eyes that were already on them. She was sure people were thinking Lauren was going to take her home and have her way with her.

Lauren reached out and grasped Camila's hand, stopping her before pointing to the doors on the opposite side of the building. "My car is actually that way."

Lauren's hand was soft and warm. She's held plenty of hands but none of them felt like this. This was new. She nodded discreetly and pulled her hand away before making her way to the other doors, not giving the taller girl any type of acknowledgement until they reached the black jeep. She wasn't surprised. All the girl ever wore was black.

Lauren quickly walked passed the brunette and stopped at the passenger door and pulled it open. "Here."

Camila side eyes her and mumbles a thank you before climbing in and waiting for the emerald eyed girl to crawl into the driver side. She notices how clean the car is, surprisingly. She was almost sure Lauren would have a mess everywhere.

The drive is mostly quiet except for Camila giving direction. Lauren hummed along to the radio and Camila couldn't seem to keep from smiling at the sound. Her humming voice was incredible. She couldn't even imagine what her singing voice would be like.

"This is your house?" Lauren asks as she pulls into the driveway. "It's really nice."

Camila shrugs and pulls the car door open. "It's okay."

Lauren watched the smaller girl hop out and shut the door. Already making her way to the front door of the house, she hurriedly climbs out and follows her. She couldn't wait to spend time with the small brown eyed girl. Maybe this way Camila would get to know her and realize that she isn't that bad of a person, or maybe should would realize that she was that bad of a person. She shook her head to clear any negative thoughts.

"This way," Camila muttered leading them up the cherrywood stairs to her bedroom. "My parents what be home for awhile and my little sister should be here soon. Sorry in advance if she's annoying."

Lauren laughed. She was sure the little girl couldn't be annoying if she had any relation to Camila.

"This is my room," Camila says while pushing a door open. "You can just, like, sit your stuff over there."

Lauren nodded. Her eyes scanned the room. Drinking in anything she could to get a better understanding of her new class partner for the week. Her eyes landed on a poster of a tall brunette with bright red lip stick and a long white dress.

Lauren's eyes widened. "You listen to Lana?"

Camila sat her bag on her bed and looked up at the poster. She already knew which one the raven haired girl was referring to. "Yeah, she's great."

"She's amazing," Lauren agreed.

Camila sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "So, how do you want to do this? How exactly are you wanting to do this?"

Lauren couldn't help but laugh at the double statement. "However you want to, Camz."

Camila scoffed. "Well, from what I've seen and what I know, you are the artist and I am not. I'm sure you would come up with something better than I could."

Lauren shrugged and stretched her arms over her head to stretch out her sore muscles. "That's not true. If we work together I'm sure we could come up with something equally amazing."

Camila's eyes followed the black shirt rise up with Lauren's arms as she stretched. Revealing her toned stomach. Then her eyes moved down to her legs. She never realized how toned the girl actually was until that moment. Her black jeans hugged her legs and waist perfectly and the black boots she wore just seemed to top it off.


Camila's eyes snapped up to be met with a smug smirk. She rolled her eyes. "Yes?"

Lauren slowly walked over to the bed and sat down beside the small brunette. "Do you want to just write down some ideas and we can choose from them?"

Camila nodded and quickly got up. She didn't want to be that close to Lauren. She walked over to her desk and pulled out a pen and paper before sitting down and getting ready to write anything they could come up with.

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