chapter two

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Chapter Two


I rouse from a strange dream... I was with Hannah, Ben, Jayden, Jacob, Bella and Holly at this beach and we had a campfire, marshmallows on sticks and everything. Then like this guy comes and destroys the fire and leaves with our marshmallows. Meanie poop. But we were having fun before I guess. I get out of my destroyed bed, I’m a reckless sleeper. I stretch my arms and slowly approach the door. I spot my brother sleeping in his room, ha-ha he’s gonna fall of the bed I’m positive. I walk down the carpet stairs and onto the freezing tiles, I’m not bothered to jump, I precede my walk to the fridge I quickly turn around and look at the time. Its only 8:30am I may as well just eat and read until my mum, dad and brother wake up. I open the fridge door and pull out an apple and walk back upstairs. Leon did end up on the floor after all, weird he’s still asleep. I giggle and walk into my room. I silently close the door and dim the light. I pull out my book ‘You don’t know me’ by Sophia Bennett. I’ve half finished it, it’s really good.

After about an hour my IPod goes off scaring the hell out of me. I mentally cursed at my IPod but I picked it up anyway, oh yay it was Hannah.

“Mornin” I can feel her cheeriness. I smile and start typing.

“Hiya let me guess you just woke up” I quickly put my book away in one of my drawers.

“Nooooooo” She’s lying

 “Then why are you texting me at 9:30am usually you're asleep or eating” I smile at my phone seeing the typing symbol.

“um yeah I just woke up...” I sigh and smile at the same time.

“Gtg gonna have breakfast/food” Hannah quickly texts me.

“Cya enjoy your food :)” I turn my phone off and walk downstairs to the TV. Leon is just sitting there in front of the heater reading ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ I smile at him and walk into the lounge room. I rapidly grab the remotes and switch both the Foxtel and the TV on. Victorious is on, no contest. I turn Victorious, which is actually in the middle of advertisements. I try to entertain myself while the ads are on but one ad catches my attention. Nickelodeon is holding a contest for a thing to meet one direction. By far one of the most popular boy bands of time. Hannah loves one direction (not over obsessed though). I rewind the ad.

“Nickelodeon is giving you the chance to get VIP tickets to ONE DIRECTION’S concert and you get a privilege to meet them back stage. All you have to do is watch the One Direction Movie at 6’oclock Sunday night and keep your eye out for the special code word. Once you see the code word jump onto for your chance to win!” The ad ends with one direction saying something not so sure what but well Hannah’s birthday is coming up and I can’t imagine trying to find her a present. I set a reminder for the movie. I’m not gonna tell Hannah it’s gonna be a surprise.




I text Hannah I forgot to text her earlier

“Hiiii” Hannah starts typing already


“Jacob hasn’t texted me for ages and he’s been ignoring me for like ages what do I do?” Jacob is Hannah’s half boyfriend, they both like each other but they don’t wanna date so pretty much they're friend and a half.

“I’m not sure... Did you say anything to him???”

“I don’t think so, well are you ready for the sleepover in half an hour” I guess she doesn’t wanna talk about it.

“I’m gonna ask to go early I’m too impatient”

“Nah it’s half an hour I bet you haven’t got ready” I face palm myself, I totally forgot.

“I’ll be right back...”

“K ;)” I grab my Lonsdale bag and I carelessly stuff some clothes for tomorrow in my bag same with my toothbrush and toothpaste, special cheeses. I leave my IPod out so I can well use it.

“Back” I sigh as it is only 4:15pm I’m dying... We talk until my mum calls me from downstairs asking if I was ready to go. I scream a yes out to my mum and tell Hannah that I’m ready to go. I throw my bag on my back which misses and lands on the floor. My face goes blunt and I put actually on my back. My mum walks me over to Hannah’s house, when we get there my mum talks to Hannah’s we just race upstairs. We well have a text/spam/facetime party for 45 minutes until Hannah’s IPad goes off. We peer over, it was Jacob.


“Hey Hannah our relationship doesn’t really feel like one anymore and I don’t think we’re a good couple so, I’m breaking up with you. I hope we can still be friends after this” Hannah’s just stops and slides her back down the wall. 














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