Chapter 2:

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Putzie woke up to the next morning and looked out of the window and thought about Jan, so he climbs off of his bed and walks over to his big brother's bed. "Phil, are you awake?" Putzie asked him.

"Yes, I am still a sleep.' Phil told his little brother.

"Then why are you talking in your sleep?" Putzie asked innocently.

Phil opens his eyes and rubs Putzie's hair.

"You're way to cute to be a 4 year old." Phil said sitting up.

"Thanks, I think." Putzie said confused.

Phil chuckles softly at his little brother and stood up.

"What do you think of Jan?" Putzie asked him.

Phil turns to him.

"She's cute, why?" Phil asked.

"No reason." Putzie said running out of the room.

Phil watched him run off confused, he thinks that his own little baby brother has a crush on Jan.

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