Trans people (or anyone not cis)

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I am totally okay with anyone identifying with whatever they want to.

My only personal dilemma is my overwhelming anxiety that if I refer to someone as not they're teacher-known pronouns in school (where I see them most of the time) it will be really awkward and something uncomfortable will happen as I've seen this before.

Outside of school it's not anything for me to really think about.

In the grander scheme I think we should've never assigned anything gender related. Like, so many people in this are are able to say what they identify as and that's great but has anyone really considered the fact maybe what we started as 'male' and 'female' is not normal. Like if anyone was socially allowed to wear any clothing they wanted, or anyone could wear make up it would be much more enjoyable for everyone. I wish anyone was just free to do anything and you didn't have to worry about your gender correlating. This isn't specifically "gender roles" so much as the entire concepts applied to specific genders. 

In conclusion, you can identify as whatever and I'll just go along with it. However, I will not give advice or opinions on how you should feel since I have never felt I was anything other than cis. This is just my opinion.

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