And there she was. The most beautiful girl in the world was right there. Right next to me in the car.
"since when did you decide to come here?" i asked.
"i don't know.. I just really missed you and just had to get away from things. Do you mind if I stay?" she replied.
"of course I don't mind, this is perfect! do you know how much I need you in my life?" I said, smiling.
She didn't reply, which she didn't have to. We both knew how much I need her in my life. I wouldn't be complete without Nicole. I would just be there. Sad, depressed and lonely. There would be no other girls, because no other girl could make me as happy as I am right now.
"are you hungry?" i asked.
"well duh, I've been in an airport for 5 hours you idiot" she joked, laughing.
I pulled into the Taco Bell drive thru and ordered food. 😍
We ate in the car, driving back to my house. We talked about everything. School, people, drama, friends, and anything that came to mind. Things were easy with Nicole. I didn't have to hide things, I didn't have to pretend I was someone else. I didn't have to plan out things to talk about, it just happened. Naturally. Do you know why?
Because that's what a soulmate is. Someone your comfortable around, someone who you could talk to for hours and not get bored. Someone who can read your lips and eyes, and someone who knows how to talk around you. Someone who keeps you going.
You could say this was the best surprise ever, having Nicole come.