My Dad

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Thank You so much for reading my first chapter. Special thanks to Emily ( my sister ) for helping me upload and edit this story. 

Okay, so your probably wondering who and where my dad is.

I was 2 when it happened, I don't remember him at all. Mum tells me that he was in a car crash on his way to work and hit his head on the wheel, he was taken to hospital... but never woke up.

I always wondered what he looked like, but whenever I asked, mum either ignored me, or told me she was busy and would talk later, but never did.

She doesn't even have any photos of his face, he always had his back to the camera, or a low, brown-green hat that covered his face. 

I guess it just brings back to many memories for her to see his face.

Anyway, enough of this talk about my dad.

I had just finished cleaning up downstairs, and now I am upstairs cleaning up my room. 

After I had lifted my bed of the wall that it was leaning on, I see a strange marking on the wall.

 At first I thought it was just a scratch from the bed, but then a I got closer, I realised that it is glowing in 3 different colours, pink, blue, and red.

I get up close and study it. It is shaped in an upside down triangle, with 3 white triangles in the middle.

I reach out to touch it and then...


What is happening? I think as the edges of my vision blur. Black dots crowd my eyes and I black out.

Finally I wake and my vision clears, I am in a large dim room, seated in a dark, damp corner full of cobwebs. 

Beds fill the room in neat lines. There are children playing cards and talking in quiet whispers on the beds.

There were at least 20 kids in the room and the same amount of beds if not more.

In the centre of the room, is a big fountain. Next to the fountain, there is an old wooden table. There are two people sitting on chairs at the table. 

One is a young girl, maybe 13 or 14, about my age, she had straight caramel coloured hair that fell around her shoulders. She had her back to me so I couldn't see her face.

Sitting opposite her was an older boy, about 18 or so. He had sandy coloured hair and dark brown eyes.

The boy was talking to the girl in a serious tone, 'Jane, we need someone now!'

'I know, I know', Jane replies,'I think I've found someone', She gestures to me without turning her head. 

The boy looks over to me and raises an eyebrow,'Him?' He asks. 

Jane nods.

'Me?', I question. Jane turns and slowly walks towards me. She has light blue eyes that seem to be burning though my head and reading my thoughts.

'Hello Jake.', She says. 

'H-how do you know my name?', I ask. 

She ignores me. Then says,

'So Jake, you found the mark I presume.'

'The what?' I ask. Again she ignores me. 

'So...' I venture,'What is this place?'

'This, oh this is one of the H.F.T.K's.' She says casually. 'And this is Billy.' She turns to Billy. Billy smiles. I smile back.

I had lots of questions, but I tried to stick to 2 or we'd be here all day.

'First of all, what does F.T.K stand for?' I ask.

'1 its H.F.T.K, and 2 it stands for Homes.For.Troubled.Kids.' She replies. 

'Are you saying Im a troubled kid?' I ask. She ignores me AGAIN! She must love to ignore people. 

'Anyway,' I say,'my second question is, how did I get here and what happend to my mum and my house?!'

'Calm down', Jane says,'It was just, a bunch of monsters try-'

'WHAT!?JUST A BUNCH OF MONSTERS! Oh just relax Jake, you say, it was only a bunch of monsters that came to your house, trashed it and left to come and find you! 

And your telling me not to worry, because the H.F.T.P are here to protect you and all you have to do is stay at this underground house with a bunch of strangers and you'll be safe. 

Oh and don't worry about your mum or house, you'll never see either of he again anyway!' 

As I shout anger builds up inside me. I know there are no such thing as monsters, but ant the moment, I could believe anything, I had just woken up in an underground house with a girl called jane telling me my house had just been invaded by monsters. 

Right now I could believe that flying pigs were real!

Right at that moment the ceiling parted to reveal a beautiful pink sunset, in the middle of this perfect picture is a pink plump pig with wings flying in with a note in its mouth.

I stand here gobsmacked as it landed on the ground next to me. It gave me the note and then flew back out, the roof closing behind it.

Jane was the first to speak,'That was Greg the flying pig.'

I realised that my jaw was hanging slowly closed it. 'You have flying pigs.' I said with interest.

'Yeah', Jane said calmly,' We do.'

Jake ScottWhere stories live. Discover now