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Melanie's POV
It was the most awkward moment I think I've ever experienced. How did she know? Were we loud? And then I started thinking about that awkward walk of shame back to our seats. Fucking hell.

Harry slowly twisted the lock and the small door swung open to reveal a not-so-happy air hostess, slightly disgusted with our actions. She crossed her hands and pursed her matte red lips.

I could feel myself turn pink as I kept my head down and walked to our seats. Harry walked in front of me, holding my hand, trying to pull me away from the nasty glares everyone in first class was throwing. I noticed a young boy holding up his phone in our direction, but I didn't pay him much attention.

Throughout the flight there would still be some heads turning to our direction and the air hostess frequently coming to check on us in case we were "being mischievous" (her words exactly) but Harry and I couldn't help but laugh, she then thought we were laughing at her in which we decided to let the topic rest.

*The plane lands*
We collect our luggage from the rotating belts and head to the pick up area where we wait for a chauffeur from Harry's firm to pick us up and take us home. 

The sleek black car waited out front for us. We loaded our bags into the trunk and got in. I was thoroughly exhausted from the trip so I rested my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, we were parked outside my apartment and Harry was telling me to wake up.

He was unloading the trunk of our luggage as I stood at the curb waiting for him. The chauffeur helped us carry the things upstairs to the apartment where he dropped them off and left. I unlocked the door and walked, Harry right behind me.

It was 2 a.m and I was extremely exhausted. A dim table lamp was on, but I didn't remember leaving it on before we left for the trip. I looked at Harry with a confused expression. He gently pushed me behind him as he moved forward to check if there was anybody in the house.

And that's when we heard it. Moans and breaths coming from my bedroom. Harry and I turned to look at each other in complete and utter disbelief. We slowly walked in the direction of my room and Harry slowly turned the doorknob to a sight that looked straight out of a movie on PornHub.

Two, very busty girls, along with Niall on my bed. One of the girls, the blond one with short hair, was on the furthest left getting eaten out by the one with brown hair. As this was going on, the brunette was getting it from the back by Niall. She'd occasionally come up from the other girls vagina to scream or moan for Niall.

My room was a mess. Clothes all over the floor and the smell of sex filled the atmosphere. I wanted to throw up so badly. Harry and I stared in shock at the scene, as we were still unnoticed. Until he finally screamed, "What the fuck is going on here?!"

And almost instantaneously all three heads turned to look at us. They looked like deer caught in the headlights of a car. None of them moved. "Can you whores get the hell out of this house. Now!" Harry shouted. His veins kind of popped out from his neck and his jaw clenched.

The girls scrambled for their clothes on the floor and as they were about to leave the room one of them said, "it was fun Niall, but we expect payment." Niall appeared incredibly embarrassed. Harry chuckled sarcastically.

"Now you need prostitutes to satisfy you? Are you that inept of finding a woman?" Harry asked with utmost sarcasm.

"What happens in my sex life has nothing to do with you Tarzan," Niall replied as he fumbled with the buttons of his jeans.

"But have you no shame whatsoever to hire prostitues to come to Melanie's house? Not even your own?" Harry replied.

Niall went silent for sometime before replying with, "well why should I stop having fun just because you banged the woman I actually thought I had feelings for in Germany? Huh?"

Damn, there was nothing to say at this point but Harry managed to squeeze something out. "Well, I don't want you in this house, not now, not ever. If you dare step foot in here again I assure you I won't hesitate to call the cops."

And with that, Niall left, without a word. I couldn't help but realize how much I hurt him that day on Skype. But then again, I'm with Harry now. Aren't I?

I apologize for taking so long to update and for a short chapter at that. Well the reason is, I have so much to write, if I included it in this chapter, it would be waayyy too long and tedious.

So yeah. I can't believe I'm nearly at 10k reads. I'm so happy rn. I love all of you so much 💕

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