The secret is out (final)

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Tonight was a full moon and it was 1 hour before it was transformation time and the girls couldn't be more energetic.
"Declan! Where are you going?" Asked Ali.
"Over to Ant's house." Replied Dec getting out his keys out of his pockets.
"But I'm going out to town with my mates in a bit so you need to take Bailey with you!" Said Ali.
"Can't you take him with you?" Said Dec in a rush. He could all ready feel the pull of the moon.
"Well not really, I'm going to the pub! If you really don't want to look after your own son then I'll just get Lisa over to look after him, I'm sure she won't mind!" Said Ali.
"Thanks love, I've just got....." Said Dec and he was interrupted.
"Stuff to do? Declan that's what you say all the time! You spend less time with your wife and son and more time with your best mate!" Said Ali angrily.
"Look Ali, I'm sorry! I've just got something to do! It's important!" Dec said back angrily. Suddenly he felt vain grown on his hands and neck. He sprinted out of the house and went to Ant's house. Soon Lisa was over at Ali's house but one thing the wolfbloods didn't know was that Lisa and Alison was on to them. Ali wasn't really going to town with her mates. The wives of the two men had recently figured out that there was a den and had looked back at the CCTV camera that was always in the den and saw them transform into wolves.
"Have you done it?" Asked Ali as Lisa walked into the house.
"Yep are plan is good to go! All we do now is wait to see how they react when they find out its locked then the police will be after them soon!" Said Ali. They both shared a smile then Lisa sat down and looked upset. Ali walked over to her and sat next to her.
"What's wrong?" Asked Ali, rubbing her hand on Lisa's back.
"It's just that.... That's your husband and my husband and my daughter, they're our family Alison!" Said Lisa crying.
"But there're wear wolves, they aren't humans Lisa, they are beasts!" Said Ali.
"Your right, we're going to get them!" Said Lisa confidently.
Meanwhile back at Ant's house they had just realised that the door to the den was  jammed.
"Oh no, this is really bad, really really bad!" Said Kelly worriedly. They looked all over for something to try and open it but it was no use. Vains started to grown on the arms now and the eyes and fangs were appearing. They were moments away from transforming.
"The woods!" Shouted Gabby. They all sprinted out of they house and into the woods. They were now wolves and suddenly the all stopped and turned around. There was a bright light or should I say lights. They police cars were there and so was Ali and Lisa. The four wolves looked at each other and ran like the wind. At one point they had to split up. Ant and Gabby went one way and Dec and Kelly went the other way. Soon they lost them and it soon became morning and the pull of the moon was gone. They now turned into human form. Gabby started to cry and Kelly hugged her. They all knew what this meant. They had to leave but Kelly couldn't come because she had to stay with her mum. They walked up onto the massive hill and walked up it. Kelly and Gabby were holding hands and Ant and Dec soon noticed that the two girls were closer than they thought. They weren't surprised at all. This just made them smile. Soon it was time for them to go.
Kelly and Gabby looked at each other, tears streaming down their eyes. Ant and Dec waited in the distance for them admiring the girls love and friendship.
"I love you Kelly, you know that right?" Said Gabby wiping away Kelly's tears.
"Ye, I love you too Gabby, I'll never forget you!" Said Kelly holding both of Gabby's hands which made Gabby smile.
"We're ever we go, what ever we do, you'll always be part of our pack, and you will never be a lone wolf, you have your mum's sister!" Said Gabby. The girls moved closer to each other and shared a passionate kiss. Gabby waved good by to Kelly and so did Ant and Dec. They walked off into the distance and waved goodbye again for the last time. This was the last time that anyone had seen Gabby, Ant and Dec. On one has seen them since then and no one knows what happens to them and the three wanted it to stay that way...

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who enjoyed reading this story! xx

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