Chapter One: All Cards, Five Illyas?!

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"Bye Onii-chan! See you at school!" Illya said, running to school and waving goodbye to Shirou.

"Bye Illya! Be careful!" Shirou shouted out so Illya could hear.

"Illya! Wait up!" Miyu said, reaching me.

"Hi Miyu-chan. Illya said, smiling.

Later after school...

In Luvia's mansion...

"Now you might be wondering: "Why are we here? Is this another reunion about the Class Cards?" Well, in this reunion, we're gonna be talking about ONE Class Card." Tohsaka Rin said.

"What Class Card?" Illya said.

"If it's the Archer Class Card you're talking about, I do not approve." Kuro said.

"Well, luckily, Bazett, Luvia and I sensed some strange presence coming from the hole we digged to find the last Class Card, Archer." Tohsaka Rin said.

Illya, Miyu, Kuro, Ruby and Sapphire gasped.

"A-Archer?" Illya said.

"No way!" Kuro said quietly.

"Good news is that now that we know that there's another Archer Class Card, we can retrieve it and have all the cards." Tohsaka Rin said, relieved.

"The bad news is that there's TWO Class Cards, and that's not normal!" Kuro said.

"...Well, there's nothing we can do about that now." Tohsaka Rin said, smiling and with a relaxed face.

"You're taking this very slighty, aren't you?!" Kuro said, angrily.

"Oh, dear..." Luvia Edelfelt said.

Illya chuckled a little.

"By the way, where IS Bazett?" Illya said.


"*Gasps* She must be stealing the Archer Class Card!" Tohsaka Rin said.

"*Gasps* Ruby, Tra-" Illya said, but got interrupted.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Not right here. We have to do it in a wide space, remember?" Magical Ruby said.

"Oh yeah..." Illya said.

In a forest...

"Ready, Miyu?" Illya said.

"*Nods* Ready." Miyu said, smiling.

Illya and Miyu started Tracing.

Illya and Miyu turned into Magical Girls.

"Let's go." Kuro said.

Illya, Miyu and Kuro went out of the forest.

Rin and Luvia were waiting in the hole entrance.

"Miyu, you know what to do." Tohsaka Rin said.

Miyu nodded.

Miyu did a spell to go to the Mirror World.

Illya and friends were in the Mirror World.

"Alright, let's go." Luvia Edelfelt.

Illya and friends started climbing down the stairway to the end of the hole.

At the end of the hole was the Archer Class Card.

Illya and friends got to the end of the hole.

"*Gasps* Bazett! How did you teleport to the Mirror World?" Tohsaka Rin said, angrily.

"I have my ways, and you needn't worry, for I am not stealing the Class Card." Bazett said.

"Then what were you doing?" Luvia Edelfelt said.

"I was examinating it. I still don't get why there's two Archer Class Cards." Bazett said.

"Yeah, that left me in shock as well." Kuro said.

"Hmm..." Luvia Edelfelt said.

"The monster we fought didn't seem to be an Archer, but it doesn't make any sense." Bazett said.

Suddenly, the floor collasped.

Everyone yelped except Bazett.

Everyone started falling.

Illya got hit by a floor piece and the Class Cards she had in her pockets fell out.

"Illya! The Class Cards!" Magical Ruby said.

Illya gasped.

Illya grabbed all the cards and she hold the cards close to her chest.

Suddenly, Illya started glowing.

"*Gasps* Illya?" Miyu said, worried.

"Miyu! Get us out of here!" Luvia Edelfelt said.

Miyu started doing a spell to leave the Mirror World.

Everyone left the hole and appeared back in the real world.

Suddenly, five Illyas appeared.

"Huh?" Illya said, confused after looking at the Illyas.

"Wow, deja vü." Kuro said.

Fate/ Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya: Golden Girl, Card LifeWhere stories live. Discover now